{ Chapter 32~ Graduation.}

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I sat there, tears in my eyes as my twins walked on the stage, both grinning as they were handed there certificates of graduation. Cain graduating as Football captain and Asher Valedictorian.

"Now presenting Asher Hemmings and Cain Hemmings for there joined speech"

I turned to see Melody, Hazel and Spencer going crazy seeing there older and younger brothers. Melody is now 26 with her own baby (Samuel 1) and a amazing husband Timmy, she graduated from college and got a degree in medicine, she's living on the coast at the moment but flew out just to see her little brothers graduation. Hazel is now 12 and her passion is dancing, not only is she good at it but she succeeds in all her completions. Spencer is my youngest baby and is now 9, he shares his birthday with his baby cousin Zara (Calum's baby, 7) he is also the baby we founded out about the same time Kae an Aimee were pregnant. Kaelin's bunch is probably the funniest bunch you'll meet. Anakin is now 23 and got his own baby girl (Sara, 3) his mother died giving birth, Anakin took it hard but he's a strong boy and had worked through is issues, he's also Melody's best friend and works for Michael and the boys business. Taissa is now 15 and in AP classes already, one of the brightest students in her year group, not only that, she is gorgeous. Kae didn't have just one baby, she had twins Violet and Mitch after one of her favorite band members, they're now 9. The twins are best friends with my baby Spence also Aimee's second youngest Eric. Aimee's bunch is and always will be the biggest. Astrid (19) graduated last year and took a year off to travel, she also made it back here for her younger sisters graduation. Charlotte is in Cain and Asher's year group and also graduated, Not only that but as the other valedictorian. She also dates my Cain and they make a amazing couple, she keeps him out of trouble and he brings out the fun side in her. Jamie is in the soccer team, one of the best in the team really, all hat at the age of 16, he is more on the quiet side then anything. Marcus is the trouble maker and is a complete handful for both Aimee and Ashton, but a angel for everybody else, he loves making hell for them, we all think it's for more attention from his parents he's going to cause his parents a hard a attack and he's only 14. Lilly and Myles are two of the cutest twins I've seen, they're always together and it's hard to split them up, those two are joined at the hip even at 13. Eric is the second youngest and the third best friend of Spence, he's also the other baby born in the same year making him 9, Eric  is the more responsible one out of them and always taking charge. They also had another baby Ryan, he's 5 and also really out there, I mean look at his dad! There's not much to say about Ry. Last but not least Calum's two babies Quinn, who is Hazel's best friend and also her age (12) he's always protecting her and we all know he's just being a great cousin. Then there's little Zara who is 7 and adorable with honey colored hair, baby blue eyes and tanned skin from her mom, the girl is going to be a heart break we and we all know it.

"Hi. I'm Asher Hemmings-"

"And I'm Cain Hemmings"

I chuckled seeing Ash glare at Cain. There speech was coming to a end, the crowd was in fits of laughter while the teaches shook there heads.

"Well, I'd like to say thank you to the principal Mr.George James. The teachers for putting up with both myself and my brothers antics"

"Also, to our family. Not just our immediate family, Kae and  Michael with Anakin, Taissa, Violet and Mitch. Aimee and Ashton with Astrid, Cain's girlfriend Charlotte, Jamie, Marcus, Lilly, Myles, Eric and Ryan....we know they have a lot"

A few people laughed as Astrid stood up earner cheers.

"Our uncle Calum and Aunt Piper, our two Cousins Quinn and the cutest little girl Zara"

Zara and Calum stood up, Zara on Calum's shoulders as she blew a kiss to the boys.

"And our sisters Melody and Hazel, we love use both and thank use for always being supportive. Our little brother Spencer for being the best little brother ever!"

"Our Dad Like Hemmings for always teaching us what we need to know, giving us what we need to succeed and just being a good man in general!"

I looked at Luke who smiled and nodded at the boys, slightly tearing up. Then there's me, with full blown tears almost spilling.

"Our Mom! Ararangi Hemmings. She raised Melody on her own for a very long time, she was the biggest help in our lives. She cherished and brought us in this world, she gave us he tools we need to take in to this world and-"

"She is beautiful, smart intelligent and the best mom out. Sorry Kae, Aimee and Aunt Piper!!"

"We love you mom!"

Tears were now streaming down my face as I looked over my two eldest sons, both we mischief grins. The rest of the graduation was spent was Charlotte an teachers speeches. They had just thrown there caps in the air and we all moved down the back and when the boys came through I ran over to them pulling them both in to a hug.

"I love use two. I love use both so much"

They each kissed my cheek and before letting go and hugging everyone else.

"Look at my brothers. All graduated"

Everybody laughed at Melody while she wrapped her arm around Asher's waist as Cain took Sam in to his arms with a small chuckle.

"Should we go out for dinner??"

The boys nodded as Cain wrapped his arm around Charlotte who stayed awfully quiet. Asher held Spencer in his arms as Melody laughed at Anakin.

"Hemmings! Use have a big family bro"

I smiled at Asher's best friend as he cane over and kissed my cheek.

"I know bro, massive really this is only our close family. Our uncle Waitangirua has a 10 year old , 7 and 2 year old."

Paul shook his head greeting Hazel and Spencer before turning to us with a big grin.

"You have an amazing family Mr.Hemmings"

Luke smiled, wrapping a arm around my hip as I held Ryan on my hip, Calum was chasing Violet, Mitch, Myles, Eric and the rest of the kids whole Ashton held Anakin's daughter Sara.

"I guess we could say this is our family affair baby"

I rolled my eyes at Luke and pecked his lips.

I love use all

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