{ Chapter 26~

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A knock at the door echoed through the room and Melody ran to the door throwing it open as soon as she did Mel was taken in to a pair of arms before a small burnet boy ran in and tackled my legs.


He giggled out as I picked up him up and lifted him up in the air, Aimee and Kaelin came in to he room, Kaelin holding Mel while I placed multiple kisses on my godson's face while he giggled.

"You've done so well for yourself Ararangi"

I smiled and placed Anakin down as she did Melody and we hugged, I pulled Aimee in to our group hug and we all closed out eyes feeling content with being with each other. I picked Melody up and placed her back on the stool for her so she could finish her lunch, I looked at Anakin who was following my every move.

"You hungry buddy?"

He nodded his head with a grin and I ran towards him, lifting him in to the air and then placing him down beside Melody who continued to eat but was smiling as Calum hugged her from behind.

"So, how have you been?"

I smiled buttering a piece of bread while speaking to everyone, Calum was hugging Melody who continue to eat her sandwich, Ashton, Aimee and Michael sat at the dining to table whole Kaelin was kneeling while rock in Oriana.

"I've been okay, nothing I can't Handel. I've got my daughter, my brother and my niece around me at the moment. I'm CEO of a recording company and I officially own half of it"

I smiles, proud of my achievements. I knew the boys were going to be recording in one of my studios this week but I'd made sure that I'd be away.

"Your doing great for yourself cousin"

I smiled in thanks to Calum before I placed Anakin's sandwich in front of him and he started to eat it instantly leaving Michael and Kaelin with there jaws hanging.

"He never just eats for us!"

I smirked. We all talked and caught up for awhile before Anakin started to play up, throwing a hissy fit

"I don't know what to do!"

Kaelin wailed watching her son throw things.

"Anakin Christian Clifford! You sit your bottom down now."

He looked at me before dropping to the ground and looking up at me. I smirked and bent down placing him in Michaels lap, I laughed as we sat in the living room talking about all our old memories.

"We've got to go"

The boys stated, I went to go hug them when my phone rang.

"This is Ararangi Jones"

My cheeks went a tinge red as everybody grinned at my serious voice.

"Hey boss, Mr.Wilson has requested you come in to help out a band, he says he wants you to help assist them and then also you have a meeting with Andy Biersack is well"

Before I could answer she hung up, I signed and rubbed my temples.

"I have work-"

"I'm going to your bed"

Aimee all but yelled, she waddled her way to the stairs before climbing them and leaving us all confused.

"I'll look after Melody and Ori"

I looked at her skeptical but she just waved it off with a smile, I thanked her and looked at the boys who were all grinning, I missed Melody goodbye before rushing off to find my work things.

"Use can just come in my car, its going to be a lot easier."

They all nodded ad I grabbed a few bits of paper work and my handbag before rushing outside. The boys moved Melody's car seat and were all waiting for me, I jumped in to my SUV and pulled out of the driveway.

"Mum said she misses you"

I smiled and turned to radio down  as Ashton chimed in.

"We all miss you Ara"

I smiled more before the sudden pain in my heart.

"Your still like out best friend. Were sorry we hadn't been to see you lately...."

"We've been really slack, that doesn't mean we don't think about you!"

"Tours not the same with out use"

I smiled at how they finished each others sentences. We pulled in to the private carpark and all jumped out, I was wearing black jeans with gold zips for pockets, a maroon lace top and black bumps, I had maroon lipstick and a little mascara with my brown locks curled.

"You own this?"

The boys looked up at the 23 story building.

"I own half of this"

I slipped my lanyard around my neck showing my pass, we all walked in the boys gaping at how elegant it looked. I wet to walk right through when the receptionist stopped me.

"Excuse me!!! You can't just walk in!"

A few stuff turned to look, there eyes going wide seeing who she was speaking of.

"I can do what I like sweetheart"

Her eyes narrowed as she started to rant, eventually I started to get angry and just as I was Robert (a.k.a step dad) came out of the elevator.

"Thank you darling for coming in. I left some papers in your office and Lillian said she would intercom me. I'll be down with my lawyers"

He kissed my cheek and looked at the new receptionist with a glare.

"Aren't you suppose to be working? Get behind the desk and stop dilly dallying! Or my Co-CEO here will fire you!"

I smirked as her face went pale, I kept walking Calum as the boys greeting my step dad before joining me in the elevator. We were taken up to the 10th floor recoding studio and as we stepped out people buzzed around, I narrowed my eyes at how many people are here.


Everybody froze and I walked in further the boys following close behind, my heels clicking against the hardwood floor of he dance studio.

"If you are not the manger, stylist, producer or apart of the band......get out of my studio....now."

A lot of people rushed past me and out of the studio as the dance instructor looked at me with his hand on his hip.

"Or if your William because he's just amazing"

He smirked and went off as I lead he boys through to the recording studio where the mixer was sitting is well as two other people....both I was able to recognize. Luke and the girl her cheated on me with.

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