{ Chapter 5~ Night Clubs. Part 4.}

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I stepped off the first step and I lost focus, the tanned boy who stood in front of me smiling, I smiled back and pushed a lose strand of hair behind my ear, I looked down a little of embarrassed of how I was acting....I do not act like this specially around boys, I get along and act like one of them. I didn't pay attention to what everybody was saying, he was all I saw....


Michael nudged me as everybody walked out the door, I followed behind and we got all the photos snapped before getting in to the two cars, I was on one side of Kaelin and up against the windows. A Ed Sheeran song started to play and I rolled my eyes but once everybody started to sing along I couldn't hold back and sung just as hard as they. It seemed do distance after the next sing came on, everybody looked like they were in different places, the same with myself. I'd never felt like this towards anybody, not even the guy I thought I was in love with, he was different from any guy I've ever liked and or even thought was attractive....he was the type of different I needed. The car came to a sudden halt and we all stepped out, I looked up at the signed and walked right in behind the guys, we we're lead through to a VIP area where Ararangi's family were setting up shots.


We all picked a shot glass up and threw them back, I started to laugh watching the boys faces, Kaelin joined in and I had a genuine smile I hadn't showed in a long time. I laughed harder after the second round was ordered and the boys made the exact same face as before. I sat on the couch provided with Kaelin and she asked something that took me by surprise.

"Do you like Cal?"

I looked at her with wide eyes before thinking it over....do I like Calum? I don't even know anything about these boys or why were with them!

"I don't even know him...I mean them I don't even know them"

She rolled her eyes and looked around, is noticed that she hadn't been drinking and that every few minutes she would look around.

"Well if you do....be carful, not of Cal he's a sweet guy but if you mess up with him Ararangi will not take it lightly and you and I both know how she gets"

I nodded, why was she over protective of Calum? Do they like date?

"They're cousins, you see that gingery blonde over there?"

I followed Kaelins out stretched arm to see a girl talking to Luke, I nodded my head and turned back to her.

"That's Mali, his older sister. She is less protective of Cal then Ararangi, they all grew up together and Ara's would kill for him"

I nodded and let eyes roam till I found Ararangi looking around the place, I saw the small frown on her face and knew she was in her own little world, I turned back to see Kaelin go with Michael and I rolled my eyes, those two are hiding something and it must be big if she's hiding it from Ararangi is well. I stood up and walked over to the bar to grab a drink, I say down and looked around, the bartender brought me my vodka and sat there sipping it.

Your at a club Katie! Go have fun.

I cant! I can't stop thinking about him.

Stop being such a pussy and get drunk!

Shut up!

You sh-

My internal argument was cut off when a large hand landed on my shoulder and the seat beside me, I turned to see a grinning Calum, I turned when I felt another person beside me to see Luke talking to the bartender

"Having fun?"

I shrugged and took another sip of my drink.

"So-uh I was wondering uh-"

"Dude grow some balls and ask her out already"

Calum glared at Luke and slapped the back of his head, Luke rubbed it and glared back, Calum ran a hand through his hair and looked at me with his dark brown eyes.

"Wanna dance?"

I nodded and we got up, I left my drink beside Luke and Cal took my hand. We were jumping around grinning when I caught Luke's eye, he winked and I couldn't help but laugh. We danced for a little before Luke came over and whispered something in to his ear, Calum nodded and gave me a apologetic look, I shrugged and went to stand beside Aimee. Kaelin, Aimee and myself watched the boys walk up to Ararangi then walk down stairs, we stood beside her and watched as they started to play there instruments. All the girls got the same idea and started to jump along and scream the lyrics along with them, I laughed as well jumped up and down like did when we were 13 and at a paramore concert head banging like the losers we were. The boys finished the song and we all screamed out like fan girls yelling out there names, they all grinned up at us before they got handed microphones and stood at the edge of the DJ stand and yelled at the same time.


I turned to see her normal tanned face pale, I went to walk towards her bit Aimee was blocking my way, she was handed a mic from some random guy in the crowd and a spot light found her.


The crowd went mental and started to cheer as the boys dropped everything and ran up to us. They pulled her in to a group hug and a content smile made it's way on to my lips.

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