{ Chapter 3~ Airports and Date nights.}

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Hows it all going?
Enjoy my chapter peeps.


It's 3 p.m on Thursday afternoon and once again I'm sitting in the hell of Sydney Airport waiting for Kaelin's plane to arrive and already I'm sick of bringing Michael along. I had made to chose out of my cousin who kept complaining, Luke who kept glaring and Ashton who would not shut up about Aimee and what she likes....so the rational option was to take Michael right? Wrong....since we got in the car all he has been saying is and I quote "I want pizza" not another sentence has made it threw those lips of his I'm trying hard not to tape shut. I was about to snap at Mike when I heard a familiar voice echo through the Airport.


Old couples stopped and gave her a disgusted look, mothers and fathers covered there children's airs while others looked at her as if she was crazy.



We hugged before she dropped her bags in the ground and looked at me.


"I will carry them"

I turned to Michael, with narrowed eyes....hmmmm

"Uh Ararangi don't be so rude"

I raised a eyebrow as Kaelin looked at Michael with pure....lust? I shivered in disgust, they both gave me weird looks before shaking there heads...was I dreaming that?

"Michael meet my asshole best friend Kaelin, Kaelin meet Cal's best friend and band member Michael"

They shook hands and grinned before turning back to me and taking a bag each and walking out to car, I frowned but shrugged it off....I have a weird feeling about these two. We got back to my aunts house where all the boys were packing there bags and getting ready to go to there home, I looked at my aunt who was talking to Luke and decided I can be ruse it's only him.

"Hey aunt is it okay if My best friend Kaelin stays? If not we can stay at a hotel-"

"No dear it's fine"

I grinned as Luke's blue eyes narrowed down at me, I shot him the bird and showed Kaelin towards her room, she started unpacking while I went and bid the guys goodbye, I hugged them all (well expect Luke of course) and went back inside to help clean up the mess they had made in less then 10 minutes, we tidied up and once finished I went upstairs and plonked down on my bed and sighed as I started to drift off to sleep.



He spun around and grinned at me, he came back and grabbed a hold of my hand, as reaction I grabbed Calum's as we ran threw the forest. I'm so glad that every visit I see aunty I get to bring a friend, this time I brought DonJay. We ran threw the forest till we got to a waterfall where we all stopped, we froze in out spot as the boys ha big grins.

"Let's jump in"

We all gripped hands and went to jump in.

I sat up gasping fro breath, I felt my face only to feel water drip down my forehead, that's when the laughter became clear, I turned to my side to see Kaelin hunched over in the corner laughing and Calum holding a bottle while rolling on the ground laughing. I growled lightly before twisting and landing on top of him, I brought my hand back and went to hit him when once again I was pulled off of my stupid cousin. I crossed my arms and he copies, I rolled my eyes and started to pull my covers off now that they're all soaking wet *sign*

"I swear to-"

"Don't say gods name in vain"

I groaned and looked at him deep in the eyes sending him a message telling him to watch it. I helped prepare dinner and we all sat down and said grace, after dinner everyone decided to watch a movie, I was in the kitchen making popcorn and getting the snacks along with Kaelin, we were talking about what had happened while I was gone. When I had left mums I hadn't gone straight to Sydney like she thought...nope I went to New Zealand to see my dad and half brothers and sisters, I have only one full blooded brother who's names Waitangirua who's 17 and when I was placed with my aunt he was born just after and was sent to live with my grandparents. We walked in to the room and set everything up before taking out seat on a pile of pillows and blankets we had made for ourselves. Everybody had fallen asleep so I decided to go up to my room, I took the dishes to the kitchen and started to clean up before laying blankets on everyone, I tip toed up stairs and silently closing my door. I grabbed my sketch book and pencils before opening the window and climbing out on to a nearby branch, this was always my secret place, the leaves blocked off my seat from the window and the branch looked out over the houses and night sky. I started to sketch only to be interrupted by Kaelin climbing out on to my branch, she yawned and handed me a soda while eating a packet of pods.

"Wanna go for a walk?"

I shrugged and stood up, we climbed back in to the room an got changed in to simple hoodies and jeans, we ran down stairs and as I shut the door I grabbed Calum's keys, we jumped in to the car I mean...me and Kaelin actually walking? No way.


She nodded and we started our way to a small dinner I knew of, we sung at the top of our lungs along with Ronnie Radke, we pulled up to see one or two cars sitting out the front, we climbed out of the large truck and walked inside. The place was to exact same as when I was younger, the floors were a tiled black and white, red, sparkly leather chairs were through out the place, booths were along the walls and old records and old photos all over the walls. We walked right in and the little bell chimed, the old lady at the counter smiled and gave us a small wave, I waved back before we took a seat in the far corner, the lady took our orders and came back with out drinks.

"Joanne asked to see you Ararangi"

I jumped up along with Kaelin and walked to the front counter, I reached over and hugged the owner grinning while we discussed how we had been when a familiar laugh echoed through the room.

"Ash? Mikey?"

They both looked up and grinned at us, they walked over and hugged us. We grabbed our drinks and invited ourselves over to there table, we took our seats next to the boys and I could still see the clear lust and tension between Mikey and Kae.

Is there something she's not telling me?

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