{ Chapter 21~Raise it up.}

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I signed and stretched my arms out. We had flown over to the US and so far I've felt every emotion possible, mostly anger or annoyance. Ever since the accident one of the boys are always attending to me, don't get me wrong I love having them be my personal butlers but they stress over the simplest things. I walked out to the living room of our current pent house only to find Luke playing with Melody, I stayed in the hall watching from afar and that's when I realized how much she looked like him. From the same dirty blonde hair to the same blue eyes, they truly looked like father and daughter.

"Why you and mommy not talk?"

Luke's smile flattered and he brought Melody to his chest and kissed her forehead.

"I made a big mistake. But I still love your mommy"

I thought over what he said, he didn't know I was there and by the way his face went from happy to pained in of seconds showed me he truly meant what he was saying.


His head snapped to me before he stood up and placed Melody on the ground, she run up to me and hugged my legs, I bent down and scooped her up.

"Have you eaten?"

She nodded and smiled.

"Watch cartoons while mommy talks to Luke okay?"

She nodded and pecked my nose before squirming out of my arms and running over to the couch and flipping through the TV channels. I nodded my head to the balcony on the side of the room, he nodded and followed me out there.

"Ara I'm-"

I pulled him and kissed him. I missed his touch and craving for him. When we pulled apart a bunch of whistled echoed from behind us and we both turned to see Mikey, Kae, Ash, Aimee and even Cal smiling at us.

"This is a warning. Hurt my cousin again and I will kill you"

His gave was straight but was soon broken an he broke out in to a smile pulling Luke in for a man hug. I rolled my eyes before pushing him inside and closing the door. I turned back to a smiling Luke.

"I don't give out second chances often. Please don't make me regret it"

He nodded and pulled me in by my hips and hugged me tight.

"This time it's official. I'm not letting you go"

I smiled and buried my head further in to his chest. We talked for a little while before walking back inside hand in hand, Melody ran up to Luke and he picked her up keeping her close to his chest.

"Use look like a true family"

I smiled at Kae who's stomach was slowly getting bigger and bigger. From then on we did nothing but relax, it was one of the only days the boys had off and we spent it watching movies on the couch curled up. Everybody had there partners until you got to Calum who was cuddling with Melody, I shook my head and ducked under the blanket pulling out my phone carful not to disturb anybody.

Me: Heh Katie x

Katie: Hey! What's up? X

Me: I was wondering. Want to meet up in a couple of weeks? In San Diego? X

Katie: uh-yeah sure? X

I smiled and pulled the blanket down and leaned in to Luke.

"Why were you under the blanket?"

He whispered, his breath fanning across my neck causing a shiver to run down my spine.


I looked up to see him smiling. He kissed my cheek and went back to watching the movie. It was late and I had just laid Melody in her bed, I kissed her forehead and went to walk out. I sat in my room thinking, I stood up and sneaker in to Luke's room before pulling out his acoustic guitar and went back to my room.

"no father figure in the house
and i'm wondering how i'm gonna work it out, oh
my friends keep on telling me
how i don't need that man
but they don't really understand
there's far too many pressures in reality
with dealing with the pain the stress and poverty
and i gotta be myself because
there's nobody else for me (noo)
(hang in there with me)
sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child
(so don't give up)
so don't give up
(when pressures come down)
sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make you smile
(so raise it up)
so raise
(hang in there with me)
sometimes we need another helping hand to show the way
(so don't give up)
so don't give up
(when pressures come down)
sometimes it seems impossible and that's why we pray
(so raise it up)
we pray
seems to be nothing left for me
mommas gone, daddy didn't wanna be
and now i'm all by myself
wondering where is love
or should i just give up (ya kno)
life falls down on me
cuts into my soul
but i know i got the strength to make it through it all
cause i'm still standing tall
breaking through these walls
I'm gonna give my all
feeling like a motherless child
pain cuts into my soul
it's bringing me down
can't find my smile
on the face of a motherless child
I'm gonna break down these walls gonna give my all
ya know
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhhhh
(hang in there with me)
sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child
(so don't give up)
so don't give up
(when pressures come down)
sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make you smile
(so raise it up)
so raise it up
(hang in there with me)
sometimes we need another helping hand to show you the way
(so don't give up)
(when pressures come down)
sometimes it seems impossible
that's why we pray
so raise it up"

I sang while strumming, I swallowed the lump in my throat and signed, I laid the guitar down and looked up only to see everybody staring at me.

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