{ Chapter 6~ Drunken concersations.}

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Ararangi to the side



After I had said id go on tour with the boys for the next year the crowd started to scream and shout until the music was out back on, we danced and drunk loads. I maybe drunk but I know when something was up with my best friends and to see Kaelin sitting in the corner alone while watching, I knew something was up. I took a seat beside her and rested my head on her shoulder, she signed and leaned her head against mine.

"You know you can tell me anything right? We're not considered best friend anymore...were sisters Kae"

She nodded along and signed, she sat up and so did I looking at her.

"I promise I'll tell you tomorrow when your sobber"

I nodded and stood up, she grinned at me while I walked over to our dance floor and started to sway my hips along with Katie, Mali and Aimee. I turned to Kaelin to see she was talking to Michael, laughing and leaning on him, I smiled knowing my sister was happy and turned back to the girls to see Ashton and Aimee making out in the middle of the dance floor, Blaine, Waitangirua, DonJay, Calum and myself all started to OHHHH at them while few people around us cheered them on perverts. I turned and smiled only for if to be wiped off seeing Luke with his hands on some red head girl, I frowned not knowing why my heart was beating so fast.



I turned to DonJay who wrapped his arms around me stopping me from seeing Luke and that girl, we danced for awhile and got me even more drunk, I had drunken more then anybody else and it was noticable, we were all sitting on the couches my head resting on Wai's shoulder while he talked to some girl.

"Ara Luke's going home, go with him"

I shook my head and stood up only to stumble back down on my butt...so maybe that was a bad idea. I looked around and frowned not seeing my sister, where's my sister?

"Where's Kaelin?"

It sounded fine to me but everybody frowned at me, Aimee who was almost as drunk as I was and sitting on Ash's lap turned to me.

"She went wif Mikey"

I rolled my eyes and went to stand up, I almost fell back but some guy talking to Blanie caught me and I grinned at him.

"Hello beautiful"

I went to reply before I was lifted in to the air bridal style, I looked up only to see a angry Luke....OHHHH ahaha I bet that red headed bitch left him and now he's angry.

"We're going"

He didn't wait for my reply before picking up my clutch and walking down the stairs, I leaned against his chest and signed taking in his cologne that seemed to be luring me closer.

"Are you even safe to drive"

She shook his head and walked our a back door where a black SUV was waiting, I struggled in his arms not wanting to leave or die just yet.

"I'm not getting in if you driving"

I slurred out, he rolled his eyes before opening the back door and placing me in gently, I looked forward to see the guy who had driven us, I smiled and waved at him as he have me a shy wave back. Luke got in beside me and I glared at him.

"What's your problem?"

I looked in to his blue eyes and frowned, why do I want to be closer to him? I bet I was drugged.

"Who was the red head?"

His lips twitched up in to his signature smirk as he looked at me.

"Is Ararangi jealous?"

I shook my head and crossed my arms, I looked at him with a pout and he chuckled, I friend again before looking out the window and resting my head against it letting it cool my head down. He cupped my cheeks and pulled my face to look at him, he rested his finger under my chin making me look up at him.

"She was just a fan who asked to dance Ara, that's all"

I nodded my head and let our a yawn, he chuckled while I rubbed my arms up and down my arms trying to keep warm, he noticed and unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off leaving him in just a plain white t shirt, he wrapped it around me and slung his arm over my shoulder, I leaned my head against his chest and signed. We arrived home and he helped me our of the car, we walked inside to a empty house, aunt and uncle had gone to a hotel not wanting to be woken up by drunken teenagers....i would of done the same thing. Luke helped me to my room and sat me on the bed before going to walk out, before he could I grabbed his wrist and stopped him midway, he turned back to me with a raised eyebrow.


He looked at me for a few seconds before nodding and unbuttoning his jeans and sliding his top off, I unzipped my dress and slipped out of it I felt Luke's eyes on me the whole time but if I was being honest? I didn't care. I slipped his white t shirt on and got in to bed beside him, I tuned to lights off and closed my eyes, I felt his arm drap over my before pulling me close, as instinct I moved flesh against him.

"Why were you angry when that guy caught me Luke?"

I twisted so I was facing him, it was dark but I could still make out his facial features and smiled a little seeing his eyes stand out in the darkness.

"Because he touched you"

I frowned, why? Why would he care who touches me?


"I don't like others touching what's mine"

I looked up at him and kissed his clenched jaw, he looked down at me his eyes wide and I didn't have to see his gave to know he was shocked.

"Don't worry, I felt like that seeing the red headed bitch"

He chuckled lightly and that was the last thing till I fell asleep, why am I acting like this? It's the alcohol...it has to be.

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