{ Chapter 9~ Explinations.}

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"Before you speak let me explain"

He nodded and I turned to make sure Melody was still asleep, I took a deep breath and letting out what is been holding in for so long.

"When I was 16 I got pregnant, not by choice but by force, I was raped on my 16th which is one reason I don't celebrate. I had given the child up for adoption in Aussie in hopes she have a good life here, when I had meet Carrie and John we made a deal that after is finished college id take her back in hopes of giving her a good life. Id gotten multiple calls from Melody late at night, her crying mumbling about how "mommy and daddy fight" and that she was bleeding, I called back the next morning to the number being changed."

I took a deep breath running my hand through my hair.

"Melody thinks that I'm her aunty and I'd constantly visit her so it was understandable. I'm going to feed her then get full custody of her and get her away from Carrie, I had gotten a call yesterday afternoon while shopping, it was John he said that I need to take Melody because not only had Carrie been taking drugs an alcohol everyday of the week but abusing Melody"

I finished with tears brimming my eyes, I sniffled and turned to Luke who was stiff in his place, I watched his eyes flicker to the little girl in the back and relax.

"I'll take you to get custody"

My head snapped towards him, we pulled in to the drive way and he spun fully in his seat to face me.

"I wanna be with you Ararangi"

I smiled at him and leaned over placing a gentle kiss on his lips, I rested my forehead against his and signed.


He smirked and kissed me again before pulling away and stepping out, I stepped out to, he walked around and unbuckled Melody, her eyes fluttered open and she looked around, Luke opened his arms out and she openly jumped in to them snuggling close to him, we walked in to the house hand and hand.

"Use look like a true family"

We looked to the side to see aunt Joy who was grinning she took Melody from him and took her up stairs.

"Calum filled us in. One of my buddies will be representing you if she doesn't sign them. Also Uncle Tom with be taking you and Calum-"

"And Luke"

My uncle looked at Luke and nodded, my Uncle Tom came out and gave me a tight hug before collecting the papers and we got in to the Jeep, I sat in the from with Tom while the boys say in the back.

Me: Were going to Carrie and if she doesn't sign the papers then you will have to testify.

John(Melody): I'll do whatever it is you need to keep that girl safe. I'll meet use there.

Me: sure.

We pulled up and I noticed 2 other cars, John stepped out of one and who I assume is my new lawyer. We knocked on the door and it flew open revealing a pale, messed up hair Carrie, she had a smoke between her lips and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Sign the papers"

She looked at me up and down and rolled her eyes.

"Why? What would I get our of it?"

"You'll continue to walk"

I spat, the smell coming from inside was enough to get me intoxicated and from what I could see the place hadn't been clean for months.

"Just sign the papers Carrie and stop it. Melody will have a better life with her real and more responsible mother"

I could see just how angry John was, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to his chest.

"Calm down, we will get her"

I nodded and turned to Carrie.

"I'll pay 3 grand for my baby"

She looked me up and down before reaching out for a pen, she signed the papers and looked at me.

"The money will be in you account by tonight. Delete my number. Don't ever get in contact with me or my baby. I hope you rot in hell"

I spat before turning and walking towards the car, the lawyer smile and said he'd have the official papers sent to me that I was now Melody's legal guardian. We got home and Melody was up, I was excited and ready to tell her the news, I picked her up and placed her on the counter.


I looked at all my family and friends them back to Melody.

"I have a question"

She rested her little hand on my cheek and smiled at me.

"What would you say to me being your mommy?"

Her eyes went wide before her arms wrapped my neck, I wrapped mine around her and swung around.



Everybody in the room cheered and came over, I sat on the counter with Melody on my knee, I guess it time for introductions. Ashton and Aimee stepped forward and grinned at the 3 year old.

"These are uncle Ash and aunty Rose"

She smiled and hugged them both, she such a giddy child and I was happy I finally got her back. Next to step up were Michael and Kaelin.

"I'm uncle Mikey and this is aunt Kae and in aunt Kae's tummy there's your little cousin"

Melody's face life up and she hugged them both before kissing Kae's stomach, I bite my lip and smiled watching every interaction of my family. She already knew who Calum, Wai and my aunt and uncles. Last to introduce himself was Luke.



She smiled at him showing her missing tooth, I grinned and sat down beside her on the floor in the living room.

"My names Luke"

He stuck his hand out and shook her hand.


I chuckled and she looked at me then to him.

"Mommy can Luke be my daddy?"

Everybody in the room froze and I looked at Luke who was watching Melody.

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