{ Chapter 18~ Wait what? }

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I breathed out, she smiled at me before her eyes scanned over my face and her smile quickly tuned in to a frown

"What's wrong?"

She looked from me to everybody else placed around the room, that's when I myself took a look around to see Calum looking furious, Michael with his arm around Kaelin who was holding Mel and Ash rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-I planned to fly her out here for you girls....and myself."

I forced a smile out and pulled Ash in to a small hug.

"Thanks. But I have to go"

Aimee walked fully in to the pent house and looked around again, she looked from me to Kaelin and like that something clicked.

"I'll kill 'em"

My eyes widen and just like that Luke burst through the door panting, he looked around the room until his eyes meet mine.

"Ararangi hear me out"

I rolled my eyes, I was done with crying over a silly boy.

But he's not just a boy Ara.

Shut up! Yes he is! The fact that my own mind disagreed with me showed how I really felt. I didn't want to leave, I wanted to curl up in a ball and cuddle in to Luke, I wanted forget that purple haired bitch, I didn't want to share Luke! I felt clingy and I hated it, I have always been independent and if I wasn't at least I was trying but this boy! This boy has fucked it all up for me.


I turned as Kaelin started to march towards Luke, his eyes went wide as did mine before I looked at Michael who looked stunned, you see sweet little Kaelin is "innocent" in front of these boys, both myself and Calum knew how violent she could get if you really ticked her off. She once threw a desk a crossed the room because the teacher nagged her about talking to the guidance councilor about her mom, that went awfully well and we both ended up getting suspended for a week due to my "input" I mean all I did was push some girl against the wall who had started it.....you take one down you take the other down with you that's for sure.

"Im going to kill you!"

"I'm going to help"

I frowned, Aimee has always been the reasonable, kind and quiet one of us which meant Kaelin and me sticking up for her. This scared me a little seeing Aimee looking so angry, I snapped out of my haze when I heard skin connect skin, Mikey and Ash were trying to pull the girls away from Luke while Calum stop in the corner with a crying Melody. I placed my index and thumb between my lips and blew, the sound echoed through the pent house making everybody freeze.

"I'm going to say this once and once only. Make my baby cry ever again and I swear I'll make your lives hell"

I spat, I looked to Melody and opened my arms for her, she ran in to them and buried her head in my neck, I felt the small tears drop on my shoulder. I stroked her hair while glaring at everybody.

"Sit. All of use"

They did as they were told while I pulled my phone out.


"Down stairs doll. What's up?"

I smiled and kissed Melody's head when she looked up at me.

"Could you and Bobby look after Melody for tonight? I'll pay use-"

"OHMIGOD yes! We would love too. I'll be right up to get her....she won't need clothes we are totes going shopping"

I smiled at his reaction, he doesnt usually talk like that but I guess he thought everybody was listening, he had his moments when he would sound like a main stream gay man but most the time it's quiet hard to figure out.

"Okay, thanks babe. See you soon"

I hung up an kissed Melody's forehead again, I brushed a strand of lose brown hair out of her eyes and leaned my forehead against hers.

"Wanna go stay with uncle Jeremiah and Bobby?"


I grinned and kissed her nose causing her to giggle, I could see where her tears had been but I felt at peace now that they were dry and I heard her angelic giggle. I looked at the door as Jeremiah and Bobby walked in, I placed Melody down and she ran straight over to Jere.

"I've missed you Ara"

Bobby walked over to me pulling me in to a tight wmbrace, he was built well I mean you'd have to be, to be a UFC fighting. He had a couple tattoos and if you didn't know the guy you'd cower away, I know for a fact he had a big soft spot for me and I'm glad he had been there for me.

"Wait who is he?"

I frowned at Luke who seemed to have anger in his eyes.....where does this guy get off? He just had some chick wrapped up in his arms and now he's getting angers because I'm hugging my gay friend? He is all sorts of messed up.

"I'm her ex"

Jeremiah and myself looked up at Bobby who stood about a head taller then Jeremiah and maybe a door taller then me.

"Why are you here?"

"Because she called me"

Bobby being Bobby took a seat on the couch, Jeremiah grinned and did the same placing Melody on his lap.

"Anyways, how was Thomas? I was going to go visit him later"

I groaned and threw my head back while taking a seat on the arm chair.

"God, Jay was there....tried talking to me I slapped him he still tried talking went to launch and Kyle just so happened to turn up and held me back. I kissed Toms head stone and said goodbye"

The whole time I unconsciously played with Thomas black necklace, Bobby and Jeremiah noticed and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Shit. Ara I completely forgot....I should I came-"

"Cal it's fine. I just hope I see Jay again"

Everybody have me a weird look while I smirked.

"I can't wait till his face is rubbed along that concrete"

Everybody's eyes went wide and Melody giggled, I smiled at her and made a funny face making her laugh more.

"Well.....we better go"

"Oh yeah. By the way, I'm gay and Ara and me never dated"

Jeremiah and Bobby walked out hand in hand while grinning, the door shut while I burst out laughin.....I love those two so much.

"Okay. I'm good."

I leaned back in my seat clutching my stomach, it wasn't what Bobby said it was Luke's face and Bobby's body movements, he swayed his hips and flipped us all off while walking out....sassy.

"Okay.....back to what I was going to say"

Family Affairs. A Luke Hemming's fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant