{ Chapter 27~ Booted.}

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Luke looked up with a smile before his eyes landed on me and it slowly faded.


He whispered as if he couldn't believe it, I took a deep breath before my friend and employee Joshua walked in. Josh is a attractive guy, dirty blonde hai, green eyes, muscular but not he type where he could be a body builder, he's just the right size, tanned and a amazing personality.

"Hey Ara? Did Mel like her birthday present?"

It had been Melody's birthday last week and I had taken her to Disneyland, Josh had gotten her a really cute dress along with a massive dollhouse.

"She loved it, she told me to tell you. Thank you and that she loves you Joshypoo"

He chuckled and walked further in only then noticing the boys, he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Hi! I'm Josh, I work as a Producer here"

Mikey, Ash and Calum smiled while Luke eyed him up.

"Josh this is 5 seconds of Summer, Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemming and Calum Hood"

He shakes everyone's hand, she he gets to Luke he smiles but Luke just stares at his hand in disgust.

"Mikey is Anakin's dad, Kaelins fiance. Ashton is the dad to Aimee's baby and Calum is my cousin"

Josh chuckled, causing me to smile.

"You know the girls?"

Mikey asked, looking almost jealous.

"Yeah, they came in I think I was last year. We all helped out Ararangi when she recoded"

My eyes went wide as the words left his mouth.

"You recorded and never told me!"

"I'm not releasing it! Josh and me had some spear time, Aimee ad Kaelin were here with Anakin and Melody so we thought why not! Its not a big deal Cal"

He signed and so did it. Josh looked awkward before he came over hugging m and kissn my cheek again.

"I've got to go. I might pop round to see Melody later"

I nodded as he left the room, that's when our mixer stood up.

"Ra, I got to go. You've got the board under control Ae?"

I nodded and he gave me a quick hug before running off. I signed and tool a seat in his seat, spinning it around to face the boys.

"Okay, so what are use recording? I haven't had time to read your list and I wasn't suppose to be in."

"Were recording Fly Away today"

I nodded my head and started to push and move the dials.

"Do use have the recording of the beats or are we doing that today is well-"

"Ararangi? Melody is here, she has tear stained eyes. Also Ori, Kaelin and her son and Aimee"

I signed rubbing my temples, nothing is going my way today.

"Send them in. Also Lillian, do you have a idea of when my meeting with Andy is?"

She looked down at the IPad she was carrying and smiled.

"Its at 5:30 pm"

I took a deep breath and moved my hair to the side.

"Thanks Lillian. Oh! Tell your mom I say happy birthday"

She grinned and nodded before walking out, a few minutes later Kaelin is walking in holding Oriana's carrier, Anakin and Melody are running behind her while Aimee waddled in looking frustrated.


She popped her head in with raised eyebrows.

"Take Kaelin, Anakin and Aimee up to my office, unlock my room and let Aimee sleep. Bring them anything they want also can you please bring me my laptop and the baby gear"

She smiled at Melody who hugged her before noddn, Kaelin gave me a "I'm sorry"  look and I just smiled while shaking my head, they followed behind Lillian who smiled and started to talk to them.

"Mummy can I go see Josh?"

"No, not today sweetie, he's working. He said he may come around tonight. Until then, stay seated in the corner and you can watch a movie on my laptop"

She nodded and smiled at Ashton, he picked her up placing her on his knee while he bounces it.

"We've got out sounds its only vocals today"

I nodded and looked around before pressing play and listening to he beat. I glanced at Luke who was watching Melody with a small smile while he girlfriend glared at both me and her.

"Your daughter is distracting my boys. I want her and that other child out"

She spat, Calum glared at her while I raised a eyebrow, popping a piece of gum in my mouth and chewing.

"And you are? This is my studio....in my building. If you have a complaint.... Tell someone who cares, I run my business smoothly and each and everyone that steps in to my building is told the same thing. If you have a problem with my way of running things...then leave"

I state, glaring back at her while she looks at me and the kids in disgust.

"Here you are Ara. Megan would like to know if she can take Oriana?"

I looked down at the baby and nodded.

"Here. If things get to rough just bring her back. I'll pick her up or she can just drop her at mine, Waitangiruas there"

She smiled and picked Oriana's carrier I kissed her nose ad she giggled before they left.

"Right. No more interruptions. I want use all in there, I play the song and use know what verses you have, right?"

They all nodded and i stood up, they followed and we walked in to the studio and showed them the verses. I went back out, sat in my seat and started to play the beat off. We'd finished recording and all the boys were sitting down on the sofas while Melody was sitting in the corner staring at Luke, Luke's girlfriend noticed and was snarling.

"Tell you bastard child to stop staring"

That was when I lost my shit, I stood up and glared at her as Calum also stood up.

"Watch what the fuck you say about my daughter, I won't hesitate to smack that fucking make up off"

She growled at me, I clenched my jaw as the boys stood between us.


I looked down at Melody who had tears in her eyes, I bent down and picked her up, I kissed her forehead and held her close to me.

"Get her our of my building before I throw her out the window"

I snarled out, she sent me a icy glare and sat back down crossing her legs, I walked over to the wall ad pressed the intercom button making sure it rung through the buliding.

"What's her name?"


I smiled in thanks to Calum before a ding went off through the whole buliding.

"Good afternoon everybody, this is Ararangi Jones. This is announcement for all security and employees. Arzaylea is not to step foot on this property what's so ever nor is she aloud anywhere near my daughter, niece, brother and if she is found....you are to inform the police or me....which ever you prefer. That's all, have a good day"

I felt like a bitch....and I loved it, she should now know not to ever mess with my family.

"You have exactly 5 minutes to get the hell out of my building before I call the police"

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