38 - Brocéliande

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Regina winced in pain as the carriage where she was lying bumped into a little rock. Taylor and Robin were riding on their horses, both at each sides of the carriage.
"Slowly!" Taylor exclaimed to the maid who was driving the carriage.
"I'm sorry, my lady. But the road is a bit impracticable."
Taylor nodded and lowered her head.
"Hey" Selena said next to her. "It's gonna be alright. We will find Merlin and he will save her."
Taylor looked at her friend, who had a reassuring smile on her face.
"I hope so" Taylor said.
They continued their travel, when Merida called Taylor.
"Are we far from Brocéliande?" She asked.
"I don't know" Taylor said. "David?"
The man was leading the group, and the map was in his hands.
"We will be there before sundown." He said.
They all stayed quiet, when Percival drove his horse next to Selena.
"Hey" he said in a gentle voice. "Are you okay?"
Selena nodded.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened. About the secret of Excalibur."
"You knew?" Selena asked, a bit surprised.
Percival nodded.
"All of the Knights of the Round Table know. And I was here when Arthur pulled Excalibur from the stone."
Selena sighed.
"Well you didn't want to betray your King. I get that."
"Look ..."
"It's okay" Selena said with a smile. "I promise you."
"Fine" Percival said.
"I'm sorry" Selena finally said. "I'm just a bit tired of that travel. I can't wait to go home."
"So I guess you don't use to ride a horse for days."
"Oh no" Selena chuckled. "When I travel, it's on a comfortable seat. But I guess it's what happens when your best friend is a fairytale character" she said, looking at Taylor with smirk.
As she knew exactly what her friend was doing, Taylor rolled her eyes.
"Oh so it's my fault?" Taylor asked, almost playfully.
"Yes." Selena nodded. "And when you told me I should learn sword fight, I should have said yes."
"I can teach you, if you want" Percival quickly said.
Selena turned her head to look at him, a smile on her lips.
"With pleasure" she said.
The journey continued, silently. It was late in the afternoon and Regina was getting worse. Her skin was really pale, and it scared Taylor.
"Here" she told her sister, giving her some water. "Drink this"
Regina obeyed difficulty.
"Are we far from the forest?" Taylor asked.
"No" Mary Margaret responded, pointing to the trees in front of her. "It's there"
The group continued to walk, and gasped in surprise when they reached the first trees of Brocéliande. The noise of the wind in the trees was different, just like if it was a whisper. They passed a big tree, and Taylor took a deep breath. The air was full of magic, half light, half dark.
"We should probably make camp" Arthur said.
"I agree" David said, and he got off of his horse.
They made camp next the big tree, and Merida helped Robin and Killian to lie Regina on the ground.
"She's burning" Merida said, putting a hand on the former Queen's forehead.
Elsa took a clean cloth, and made some ice appeared on it.
"Here" the Queen said to the Princess. "Put this on her forehead"
"Ice magic huh?" Merida said, taking the cloth from Elsa's hands. "Is there someone here who doesn't have magic?"
"Oh yes, don't worry" Elsa said with a little smile.
The rest of the group prepared a fire camp, while Robin and Henry were taking care of Regina. Taylor was sitting against a tree, looking worriedly at her sister. She was getting worse. And Taylor really doubted that they could find Merlin in time. She took a deep breath. There had to be an other way. Suddenly, David standing up from the ground caught Taylor's attention. She looked at him, then at his satchel that was on the ground. She perfectly knew that the magical map was inside of it. Quickly, she stood up and walked toward the satchel. As nobody was watching her, she grabbed it and took the map. She put down the satchel and quickly walked away from the group. Once she was far, she looked at the map. It was still showing the double way to find Merlin.
"I need a way to save my sister" she said.
The line on the map stopped to glow, and Taylor frowned.
"What ?" Taylor exclaimed, a bit panicked. "No no there has to be a way ! A spell ? A potion?" Nothing happened, an Taylor raised an eyebrow. "An object?" Then she opened her eyes wide, remembering a part of the legend of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. "The Holly Grail!" She whispered.
Suddenly, an other line started to glow on the map, showing a way leading to a place not far from her.
"What are you doing?" Someone asked behind her.

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