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"...No way, Autumn! I'm so happy for you that you actually had the guts to go there to her house. And you haven't even gotten on first base!" Sarah sarcastically gasped as she was on the living room floor, stretching.

I rolled my eyes at her. She could be so dramatic sometimes. No, most of the times. "She has a girlfriend, Sarah," I said from my spot on the couch, flipping through tv channels, Simba right beside me.

"Doesn't mean she doesn't like you! I mean, who wouldn't like you? You're hot and funny and everything! She even said she would like you for you! AND SHE LIKES WHO YOU ARE!"

"That could mean anything. She could just be saying that because of who I am. Loads of girls do it. It's nothing new," I shrugged. Even with my attitude, I couldn't help but think if she did really like me.

"Autumn, this is the girl you've been wanting to talk to for years. The same girl you wanted to possibly ask out but were too afraid to. The same girl you've been searching for for five years. FIVE years, Autumn. That all couldn't have been done for nothing."

"But isn't this the same girl you said you were going to decapitate if she laid a finger on me?" I questioned, skipping through the endless assortment of channels.

Sarah sighed irritatingly. "A, you need some romance in your life. Hanging out in the studio all day is not helping." She's made a nickname out of my name, even though it's hard to do. And it's just A.

Again, my eyes rolled. "I'm fine, Sarah. She's just a pretty girl who I may or may not work with. Calm down, okay?"

She wasn't convinced. "Okayyy, but if you tell me you have feelings, don't expect me to do anything about it."

Sarah stood, stuck her tongue out at me and walked towards the stairs.

"You know, you always switch sides. First you wanted me to kiss her or something, and then you asked if I punched her in the face. What gives?" I asked, still trying to find a channel I actually wanted to watch.

"I want you to be in love, A. But she has to know that if she hurts you, I'm putting her in the hospital," she called from her room.

"What are you going to do? Dance on her to death?" I joked, giving up and tossing the remote in the other chair.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny," Sarah sarcastically laughed. "But seriously, what's going on between you two?"

She came back downstairs and sat in the couch with the remote in it. She made a face before fishing it out and placing it on the coffee table. Sarah really does care about me, no matter how much of a goofball she is. And I love her for that.

"Nothing," I somewhat truthfully responded, standing up to leave the conversation. "We're only friends, Sarah."

"Some friends. I know you've been eyeing her since you saw her in the studio. I may not have been there, but I know you, Autumn Winter."

With a roll of my eyes, I left the room and fled to mine. My violin sat on my dresser, and I went to gingerly pick it up along with its music. Being the good student I was, I was going to practice my violin today as advised.

I placed the music on its stand and stood in front of it before playing. Keep in mind I still wasn't on a professional level, so I played the wrong chords now and then, even though I could decipher the note names in my sleep.

"Playing that God-awful thing won't escape you from me!" I heard Sarah shout from downstairs, followed by the unforgettable sound of the front door closing.

Sure, this was partially because I wanted to escape her questions. And yes, I knew there was no way to permanently dodge them. But if I was going to use this set of strings in my next song, nothing was going to stop me. Not even the sound of my phone currently going off.

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