Remember Me | 16 THE END

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Yep, it's that time again. The end of the story. 😭

I've enjoyed writing this story, because I felt a little different while I was writing this. I feel like the paragraphs were longer and more in depth than my other stories.

Anyways, there's more Jess fanfics because the sole purpose of me being here is to write more fanfics of my queen. 👑

Delta's blue eyes were the first thing I saw when I woke up. I smiled at her as she grinned happily, squeezing my hand in comfort.

"How do you feel?" She asked.

"Tired...and thirsty," I added when I felt how dry my throat was.

Delta reached down with her free hand to hand me the half-full bottle of water. I gradually downed the rest of it before giving back the now-empty bottle.

"How long have I been out?" I groaned, looking around to see my leg bandaged up. I could feel a dull, throbbing pain in the area.

"A couple of days. You had surgery to get the bullet out, and then you just slept until now. Baby...I love you so much. You took a bullet for me. Not a lot of people would so that."

I reached up to push some hair from her face. "Anything for you, baby. I love you so much."

The blonde leaned down so out lips would meet. I kissed back softly, sighing into the kiss. If I would've never been able to kiss these perfect lips again because Delta had ended up like Autumn, I'd find no reason to live.

"Jess?" Delta questioned after we pulled away.


"You know how you told them that I was your fiancée?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Delta slid her hand away from me and reached in her pocket. I was confused as to why she asked me that. Until she dropped down on one knee.

"Look, I haven't known you forever, but it seems like it. I haven't met your family yet, but I sincerely want to. And it may seem like we're rushing a bit, but I don't care. My love for you is too strong and I know yours is too. The fact that you got shot because of me, to risk your like to save mine, is enough to earn even the coldest heart.

"Jessica, I can't live without you. I've gotten mad because you still loved Autumn and all, but I accepted that. And I realized that if I was in your situation when you had died, I would've been the same way. Never before had I thought I would do this. When I was single, I didn't think it would go this far. But now I can't get you out of my mind. I think about our future all the time, mini you's running around our newly bought house. Seeing a wedding ring on your finger every time I hold your hand. Seeing you and being proud to be able to call you my wife.

"I'm babbling, I know, because I'm nervous. And I was hoping that me being your fiancée could be true now. So...will you, um, I--"

"Yes," I said, sitting up and ignoring the pain in my leg.

"...I sound really stupid and--huh?!"

"Yes. Yes yes yes, a million times yes! I'll marry you, Delta!"

Delta opened the box and quickly placed the engagement ring on my finger. It looked perfect on my hand.

I pulled her closer so I could kiss her again. Finally, I get to call this beautiful woman my future wife. And nobody's going to ruin that.

"What about Sam?"

"Arrested for murder, two attempted murders, harassment, and some other charges. I'm sure she's gonna be put away for a long time. She won't hurt you again."

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