Remember Me: Summary/ Chapter One

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A/N: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know you all hate me because I killed off Autumn. But it wouldn't have made a sequel available, right? Well, I now know I could've made it so Autumn didn't die...but it's too late now!

And yes, I'm putting the sequel inside this book-thingy also. Just so I won't be this person with over 100 books. It's possible, I accidentally stumbled upon their profile, and wow!

So, I hope you enjoy!


Five years have passed since Autumn's death, and Jessie's career has gotten more progressive. But she hasn't forgotten about Autumn. She never could. And she could never forget about the person who killed Autumn, who's still on the loose.

Who killed Autumn and why? What secrets was she hiding? And what happens when Jessie finds a new love interest?

*Sucky summary, I know*


Tomorrow was the day. The day I will never forget. Where the love of my life sacrificed her own life for mine.

I sat at home, cuddling with Jackson by my side. We were watching The Little Mermaid, when I got a phone call.

Expecting it to be the police, I hopped up and grabbed my phone from the other couch where I had thrown it from my pocket. Unfortunately, it was Sarah.

"Oh, hey, Sarah."

"Hi, Jess! Why sound so disappointed?" Sarah asked.

"I thought it was the police about Autumn. So, what's up?" I asked, going back to cuddle Jackson.

"I was just wondering if I could come over? You know, since tomorrow was...the day."

I smiled sadly into the phone. "Staying over?"

"Of course."

"I'll bring out Simba's box. See you in a few."

We hung up, and I hopped up to get the spare box/bed I had for Simba. He preferred boxes to actual beds anyways. Unless it was my bed. Or Autumn's old bed.

Sarah and I always spent Autumn's death day together, for these four years. It was sort of like a tradition. An unofficial tradition that we have set up. Honestly, I didn't think Sarah and I would stay in touch long after Autumn's funeral. But I guess Autumn was the connection between us, and we couldn't stop talking to each other.

"Hey, Jessie," Sarah said, toting a cat carrier in one hand, and an overnight bag in the other.

"Hey, Sarah."

She sat the cat carrier down and out went Simba. He walked around and in between my legs before slinking off somewhere else in the house.

Sarah went up to my room, me after her, where she sat her bag down near the closet. "I can't believe it's been five years, Jess," she whispered, turning back around to face me.

I sadly smiled and went and hugged her tightly. She smelled of coffee and chocolate, two things she's been fond of lately. I stroked her brown hair as she hugged me back.

"I know, Sarah. I miss her so much."

"I do, too. I miss her more than anything. She was like my best friend also. I could tell her anything. I still love her."

"This isn't healthy," Sarah said as we pulled away. "To still be doing this."

"I think it's right. To do nothing but remember Autumn tomorrow," I defended. "She was the only girlfriend to truly care about me. I can't let go of her."

Sarah patted my shoulder. "It's gonna be hard, but you'll have to, Jess."

Let go of the one woman I fell so deeply in love with? I don't think that's possible, especially with someone like me, who didn't have anybody to really love due to my condition. But I didn't say any of this so we wouldn't argue.

"So, want to watch The Little Mermaid with me? It may be almost over, but I can replay it?" I suggested.

"Could we watch Hercules?" Sarah asked.


I led her downstairs to the den where she sat on the couch, Jackson long gone. I went and took the current movie out and searched through my Disney collection for the movie Sarah requested. Once it was in, I sat by her and started the movie.

Throughout the movie, I would hear Sarah mumble lines under her breath. Which shows she must've watched this movie loads of times.

"I remember making Autumn watch this movie with me," Sarah commented. "She knew how much I liked this movie."

"That's sweet," I said with a small smile. It reminded me of whenever I would drag her to watch Disney movies with me. She was find of Snow White, being the adorable animal-lover she is. I hugged my knees to my chest and sighed.

"You okay?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, yeah. Fine. Sorry."

Sarah faced me. "No, you're not. Talk."

"It's just...Autumn liked Snow White," I whispered before a tear slipped from my eye.

Sarah gave me a sympathetic look. But I didn't want that. No matter how many times I'm told she was gone forever, all I wanted was Autumn. I wanted to hug her, and kiss her, and attempt to count her cute freckles again. I wanted to wake up to her green eyes, and to watch her as she fussed about how red her hair was. I wanted to run up to her and jump on her and feel her carry me to our destination. I wanted to glance at her hand and see her ring on her finger. I wanted to cuddle up to her at night. I wanted to hear her voice again. And to see her play the piano or violin or guitar, and to write me a song. I only want Autumn back.


That night, I snuggled up to Sarah, wishing it was Autumn. While she was sound asleep, I let the tears flow freely and quietly. Though I appeared strong, I know I wasn't. I was a weak woman. I still can't get over Autumn. I never will. She was the reason I woke up every morning, and the reason I didn't have any nightmares at night.

So I barely got any sleep, and Sarah found me in the kitchen the next morning, drinking coffee while gazing at a photo album Sarah had put together as a gift to us.

"Jessie," she sighed, going to the coffee maker.

"I needed to see her face. She's so beautiful."

"You're supposed to be over this!"

"Well, I'm not! I never was and I never will be!" I shouted, going back to staring at Autumn's face.

"Jessie, I'm only doing this to help you."

In the blink of an eye, the album was gone, and Sarah was running back upstairs.

"SARAH!" I screamed, chasing after her.

She ran into a spare bedroom, and I followed her. Sarah was perched on the bed, the album held tightly to her chest.

"Sarah, give me that. I'm warning you."

"No. You need to accept the fact that Autumn is never coming back. Go and meet a nice girl," Sarah said.

"I have and she's dead! Nobody can compare to her!"

"Jessie, Autumn would've wanted this!"

"You don't know that!" I hissed.

"Please, Jess. This is for your own good!"

I huffed and stormed out the room. I don't need to see anybody else. All I need is to live off of Autumn's memories, and I should be fine. Maybe pretend she's still alive. Because I only want Autumn, that's why I proposed to her.

I went into my room, closed and locked my door, then went to my phone and scrolled through every last photo of Autumn I have, remembering what happened that day and point in time.

Imagine That [Jessie J]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora