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"I'll see you later, Jessie," I said as I stopped in front of her house.

Sam has just returned, and I could see she was clearly drunk. She stumbled while walking before falling entirely. Irresponsible. Now Jessie has to take care of her.

"Good luck!" Sarah exclaimed from the backseat.

I rolled my eyes while Jessie laughed. Then she looked at me and smiled. "I had lots of fun tonight, Autumn. I hope we can do this again."

"Of course we will," I responded.

Jessie leaned in and gave me a lingering kiss on my cheek. After smiling and blushing a little, she released her hand from mine and got out the car.

Sam's friends pulled out of the driveway and drove off, leaving Jessie to gather up her girlfriend. She looked as if she struggled, and I wanted to help, but she then threw Sam over her shoulder and proceeded in the house.

When I turned to drive again, I see Sarah in the front seat now. "You really like her," Sarah quietly said as I began driving.

"Yeah, I do."

"And she likes you, too. Did you see her face when I kissed you?" Sarah asked excitedly. "She was mad jelly!"

"Just say jealous, O Childish One," I joked.

"But she was. She wants you, Autumn. And I can see you two being an item."

"But one problem. My dad."

"Who cares what your dad thinks? You're in love! He shouldn't care who it's with!"

"What if we break up?"

"Trust me, that will never happen. I can feel it in the air between you. It's as if you were meant to be!"

"You and your happily ever afters. It's not all Disney, you know?"

"Just imagine if it was, Autumn. You would be able to see that what you two have isn't normal. Both of y'all are different. And putting you two together would be like magic. I can't explain it, but you two were meant to be. Can't you see it in the way she looks at you? And you look at her the same way. And the hand-holding thing, along with the kissing. It's as if you were already a couple! And then think about the future. Y'all will be rich and two of the most powerful people on the earth. Everybody will know your names. And then you'll think back and knew I was right all along. Now, imagine that."

After glancing at her crazily, I did as she told me. I could see us how she described us. Rich and powerful. Us as a couple. I could see all of that. And Jessie and I look so right with each other. She's a beautiful singer, who can actually sing, and I'm a music producer with an already powerful dad. I knew there were bound to be complications, there alway are. Like my dad, for instance.

"Could you see it?" Sarah asked as I pulled up to our parking space.

"I can see it," I said.

"Don't you like what you see?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Perfect! Now make sure I'm the Maid of Honor at your wedding, okay? Great!"

The rest if the night, I thought about what Sarah said. If she was right, then Jessie likes me back. But how could she if she has a girlfriend? A pretty crappy one at that. And I know Jessie's not the type of girl to cheat or leave somebody for someone better.

And this issue was so important to me that I woke up thinking about it still. And with Simba walking around my legs as I made coffee, I realized that her single would drop today. My dad's social media told me so as I was on my phone, and I think Jessie would be excited. She likes this song very much, probably even loves it. Since I didn't have to go into work today, I turned on the radio to the station it would be playing on.

"Why don't you turn that radio down?" A grumpy Sarah asked, stumbling into the kitchen with bed hair.

"No, because Jessie's song is coming on, and I want to hear it," I protested, sipping my drink.

She straightened out her sweatshirt, and finger-combed her brown hair. "Pour me a cup, and I'll go get some breakfast."

"Why not get some from McDonald's?" I asked, knowing the answer already.

"Because you make good stuff!" Sarah pointed out while throwing her hair into a bun.

I poured her a cup and added cream and sugar how she liked it. She took it and sipped it. "Thank you, darling," she said in a posh voice.

I only shook my head at her and sat at the table. After Sarah left, I felt the compelling urge to call Jessie and ask her over. But I didn't want to seem annoying, and she's either sleep or dealing with Sam. And I don't want to cross her. Jessie, I mean. I don't care about Sam in the slightest bit. I may not fully know their relationship, but I'm sure she isn't making Jessie happy, and I don't like that.

Sarah came back in ten minutes with biscuits, since we could both barely cook for ourselves. I know, lousy excuses for women. But, hey, I grew up with other people cooking for me. Not my fault.

"So, what are you doing today?" Sarah asked as she poured herself more coffee.

"Don't know. Probably lounge around, doing nothing."

"You don't want to visit your girlfriend?" Sarah smirked. She was obviously in a better mood now than she was ten minutes ago.

"She's not my girlfriend. And I don't want her to get sick of me, thank you very much."

"Trust me, she'll never get sick of you, A."

I shook my head and listened to an older hit I made the music to. When I first made it, I was a bit skeptical in using it for that song. But after hearing it when it was fully finished, I liked it.

Sarah and I finished our breakfast, and she went up to shower and change. I sat in the kitchen, watching Simba walk around and inspect things. I went to feed him, thinking about Jessie and what she would be doing now. Was she awake?

My roommate left an hour later for dance rehearsals, and it was around lunchtime. I went up to the bathroom, about to change, when my phone rung from inside my room. Jessie's name flashed on the screen, and I hurried to answer it, not caring if I seemed eager or whatever.

"Hey, Jessie."

"Autumn! Turn the radio on now! Hurry!"

I ran down the stairs and sure enough, Jessie's voice blasted through the radio. Being a teenager, I screamed in excitement just like Jessie did.

"Your song is on the radio!" I said, stating the obvious.

"No, our song is in the radio! Listen."

The song ended, and the announcer said, "And that was Jessie J's Price Tag featuring B.o.B and Autumn Winters. Hey, isn't she the daughter of the man who owns Winter Stars?"

"Yeah," another guy said. "And Jessie J is signed with them! Can you believe..."

"Jessie, you didn't have to put my name up there," I said after I turned off the radio.

"Yes, I did. You're a big part in the song, Autmn."

"Thank you. So much, Jessie. How can I ever repay you?"

"Being my friend is enough, Autumn. You've done so much for me already, I don't know how I lived before I met you. I guess I was always in the dark, and then you were my light."

"Because I have flaming red hair?" I teased.

"No! I like your hair. And you're just amazing, Autumn. I have to repay you."

"No, you don't."

Jessie giggled into the phone. "Hey, want to come over for lunch? Sam just left, and I didn't want to be lonely."

"Sure, just let me shower."

"Okay. See you, Autumn!"

"See you."

After hanging up, I went to shower. If I really impacted Jessie's life that much that she calls me her "light", I wonder what Sam was to her.

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