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"...Are we still on about Jessica?" My therapist asked, seeming bored with the topic. I don't blame her. Coming back every week for almost two years discussing about the same person does get tiresome after a while.

"Yes, Ms. Stall," I said, smiling sweetly for the first time ever since I've been in her office.

Ms. Stall sighed heavily to herself, lifting up her clipboard. "Autumn, there was never a Jessica by that description, and there will never be one! So if you could just finally realize that, then the healing process could begin and everything will be a lot eas--"

"I found her," I interrupted, triumphantly.

Ms. Stall looked like she was stuck between shock and weary. "You what?"

"I found her," I repeated. "So now, I don't have to take your dumb therapy lessons anymore!"

"Do you have proof?" She asked, uncrossing and recrossing her legs.

"Proof?" My smile completely dropped. Since when did I have to provide proof for whatever I've said. "I have a roommate."

"No. More preferably, your father."

I took a huge gulp and sat back in the seat. I couldn't tell Dad about Jessie.  He would probably think I was messing around or something. There's no way I can tell him, not now. And maybe not ever.

"No, but she's here. She's a part of my dad's label. She's a new artist by the name of Jessie J..."

"I love her! She's so beautiful and talented and..." Ms. Stall's fangirling smile was wiped off her face.


"But, she lives in the UK..."

"Not anymore, Cupcake. She's in the good ol' states of America. And she's the girl I've seen in high school. She has a girlfriend by the name of Sam and everything. Trust me, I've talked and spoken to her. Oh, and I'm helping out on her upcoming single, too."

She hasn't said anything or do anything when I spoke. She just stared at me with wide eyes. As if she couldn't believe me. I get her point. Me working with a popstar that also happens to be that mysterious girl at school is hard to believe. Especially if I was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

After not saying anything for a few minutes, I got up and walked out. It was obvious that my session was over, even if it wasn't technically over. But there would be no way Ms. Stall was going to say anything else to me. And I would be perfectly fine. If this happens next week too, I'll be happy to not go to any more therapy sessions, considering I don't need it anymore.


"It's called Price Tag," Jessie informed me as we sat in my personal studio, answering my question I had asked.

"Seems logical, since you're talking about money and stuff," I said, spinning in my chair.

Jessie laughed, making my heart flutter again. We hadn't been able to meet on Monday because I has to make more Decisions with my father, and Tuesday was when I had my therapy session. So we had to meet on Wednesday.

"So, when are you going to perform it?" I asked, stopping my spinning and picking up a weird rubber ball off the ground and stretching it.

"Don't you mean 'we'?" She questioned.


"Well, the music is just as important as the song. You should be up there, too," Jessie suggested.

"I may be good, but I'm not that good. How am I going to play over five instruments at once?" I joked.

"No! I mean you do the controls or something."

Imagine That [Jessie J]Where stories live. Discover now