Remember Me | 11

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Delta stared at me, opening and closing her mouth, not saying anything. I screwed up, I knew I did! I should've kept my mouth closed! Stupid, Jessie!

I got up and was about to walk out the room when Delta pulled on my arm. Her blue eyes gazed into my green ones, searching them for something. The truth, maybe?

"I've ruined everything," I whispered to myself, hanging my head.

"No you haven't, baby," Delta said, lifting my head up. "I'm thrilled that you said that...but I just don't know if I'm that also. I mean, I really do love you. You make me crazy from how much I love you. I just...I need to think about it okay?"

"What's there to think about? If you love me so much, you should feel the same way right?"

Delta looked away, and I yanked my arm away. I willed for the tears to stay in my eyeballs as I left the room. How could she have done that to me? After all we've been through, she doesn't feel the same way?

Sarah was walking out the kitchen when she saw me, and she stood in front of me, preventing me from leaving the house.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Jess, what's wrong? What happened?" She asked, cupping my face.

"Nothing," I firmly said.

"Hun, something happened. What's happened? Please tell me!"

"Jessie? Baby, I need to talk to you!" I heard Delta say from upstairs.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the back of the house, when something heavy collided with my back, and the person turned me around before straddling my hips. I looked up at the blonde and scoffed.

"Jess, I'm sorry--"

"Whatever. Now get off me, please?"

I was being immature, but I was far too hurt to care.

Delta sighed and brush some hair from my face. I couldn't help the slight shiver that ran through my body at her touching me. But she didn't smirk like normal. She still looked hurt and confused.

"Jess, I really do love you. It's scary being in a relationship like this one, where feelings are involved, because I haven had one in years. And seeing you hurt hurts me ten times worse. Because I want you to be smiling, to be beautiful like always."

"Please move," I said in a quieter voice.

"You're gonna leave, and I won't let you. I know you're mad at me, but please stay with me? Please?"

"Delta, no--"

"I'm not getting up then."

"Would you just move?" I shouted, trying to push her off.

"No! Because I freaking love you and I won't let you go that easily! It takes me longer to fall in love with someone because I don't do it often! I don't find people I even love often! And here you are, making me feel weird things, and saying you're in love with me! I'm scared, Jessie! I'm terrified! Terrified of what might happen to us if it doesn't work! We'll both be heartbroken, and I don't want that! I want you to be as happy as can be forever and ever! Because you deserve it! You deserve the world, Jessica! And don't you forget it!"

Then Delta wiped her tears away, got off me, and walked away. I watched her go back upstairs, sniffling like she had gotten a spanking from her parents.

She was right, for the most part. I don't deserve the world, but being in a relationship is a scary thing. I remembered being frightened of the experience, hoping I did nothing wrong.

I had to apologize. I knew that. But I wanted Delta to cool down. So I laid on the couch, snuggling a pillow. And I was floating in past memories, when Sarah handed me my ringing phone.

It was the detective. Again. I wasn't in the mood to talk. So I ignored it and stroked Simba, who had hopped on the couch also.


When my eyes opened from the unintentional nap I just took, I saw Delta pacing in front of me. Simba woke up as well, turning his eyes to the pacing woman. She was still beautiful even in times like this.

"Would you stop? You're making me nervous," I giggled, causing her to stop.

She came over to me and dropped down beside me so we were face to face. "Baby, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset, I just--"

"Let's just drop it, okay?"

"Are you sure--?"

"Positive. I don't want to remind myself of how stupid I was. Just forget about it." I waved my hand in dismissal.

Delta smiled and gave me a kiss. "I'm going to return those words in the future, Jess. I know I will. How can I not? You're so smart and beautiful, and you have the biggest heart, no matter how fragile it is."

I smiled at her. She tells me the sweetest things. If we ever do breakup, I don't think I could last a second without her. And I don't want to breakup with her. I want to continue this. Meaning, I want to marry her.

But what if the same thing happens to her like it does with Autumn? I'd be an emotional wreck with nothing to live for.

My phone rung with the detective's number. Out of habit, I ignored it.

"I still love you, Jessie," Delta said, stroking my cheek with her thumb. "I'll never stop."


"Do you have work tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I sighed.

Delta smiled. "What is it? Studio time?"

"Basically. But everytime I write a song, I put your name in it, and I'd have to throw it away and start new. And it's also so cringe-worthy! And I get so frustrated because all I think about is you! And people ask 'who's Delta?' And I can't tell them because we haven't gone public yet! And it's a miracle that we haven't yet!"

"Do you want to go public?" Delta asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Only if you want to."

"Well, I do. I want everyone to know that I'm yours and you're mine. And if they ever mess with you, they'll be buried six feet under!"

I laughed because it's kinda cute when she's protective over me. "Fine. We can do it tomorrow. I look a state now, and I don't want to look in the mirror."

"No, you don't. You look beautiful. You always look beautiful."

I rolled my eyes then sat up, causing Simba to scurry away. Delta got my phone and opened the camera before sitting beside me.

"Ready?" She asked.

"As I'll ever be," I responded before smiling.

Imagine That [Jessie J]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon