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The day went great as I sat in my own studio and relistened to my song again and again. Not. No matter how much I listen to this audio, I cannot find out what was missing. It was as if my brain just shut down for this particular song.

A knock sounded on my door as I leaned back in my chair. I was on the verge of giving up, when Jessie walked in the room.  She smiled sweetly at me before taking the seat beside me.

"So, how's it going?" She asked, crossing her long legs.

"Amazing," I sarcastically answered.

Jessie sympathetically frowned. "Aw, what's wrong? What happened? Is it the song?"

"Yeah, I can't figure out what's wrong with it," I admitted, picking up the headphones again and handing them to her. "Here, listen to it."

Jessie took the headphones and put them over her ears, and I began playing my newest creation. Honestly, if I can't fix this song, it'll just go with the rest of my Unfinished Songs, which was starting to grow. Jessie bobbed her head to the beat and smiled. Apparently, she likes it, but I don't get why. It's not finished.

"I really like it," Jessie complimented, taking the headphones off. "It's such a cute beat, but I think I know what's missing."

"What?" I asked wearily.

"Maybe some guitar chords, you know? It's too...too much of a lullaby. You get what I mean?"

Oh, I more than got what she meant. I hopped out of my chair and yanked open the door to the booth and got out the electric guitar. A chord or two have been floating around in my mind for the longest, but I couldn't put it anywhere. Now, thanks to Jessie's help, I finally know where to put it. Now the song will be complete!

Jessie watched as I recorded the parts with the guitar in it. It wasn't much, just a few strings being played. But it fit perfectly with the song, and by the way Jessie was grinning, she loved it too.

Finally, my song was complete, and I let it play out loud. The feeling of completing a song that's been stuck on your mind is amazing. Nothing can compare to it.

"This is beautiful, Autumn!" Jessie exclaimed after listening to the whole track.

"Well, I couldn't have finished it without you." I admitted, smiling. It was the truth, without Jessie coming and inputting her thoughts, I would have probably put it with the other Unfinished Songs.

Jessie grinned. "Hey, don't you think it would be cool if we collaborated on a song?" She asked, spinning around in her chair.

"I guess it would be cool. I mean, it depends. It's all up to you."

"Really? Would you do that for me?" Jessie asked, her eyes twinkling. She was just the cutest.

"Yeah. No harm in making a song together."

"Well, I may just have to take you up in your offer. See, I have words to my song, and my producer's trying to make the music to it. But...it sounds horrible. And I don't want to say it to him and make him feel bad."

"Who's your producer?" I asked, wrapping up the headphones.

"Er, Albert. For the moment," Jessie added, biting her lip. The simple action made a shiver go down my spine. She was so attractive to me.

"No wonder. He'll understand. Now, would you want me to make you a beat?"

Jessie's grin was back. "Actually, if you don't mind, I like this one. Sure, I'll have to change the melody, but I have a good feeling about this, Lucy!"

Imagine That [Jessie J]Where stories live. Discover now