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The next day, I just stayed at home. I ignored calls from anybody, including my own dad. My mind was still in last night's events, and so was the tv's. They kept replaying Jessie's seizures, and I felt sick. I hope she's okay. I would die if something happened to her.

"A, Jessie's been calling you for the past ten minutes," Sarah said, holding my ringing phone.

I turned off the tv and took my phone. Hesitating, I answered the phone.

"AUTUMN, WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!" Jessie yelled into the phone.

"Jessie, I had to--"

"For what? Now my face's plastered all over the news! I'm embarrassed now!"

"I'm sorry I couldn't magically fix your problem, Jessie." What did she think I was? A miracle worker?

"But why did you leave me? I was scared and confused! You're supposed to be my friend!" Jessie sounded furious with me, which I understood. I did leave her in her time of need.

"Where was your girlfriend? You told me to call her, remember?"

"I...I wasn't thinking. Still! You didn't have to get mad and walk off! I thought something happened to you! I was so scared and frightened, Autumn! AND YOU LEFT ME!"

"WELL I AM SORRY FOR ME HATING TO SEE YOU LIKE THAT! Seeing you so weak and vulnerable was too much for me, and I had to leave! You said to not worry about your illness, and what happens? That happens! I've tried and tried and tried to ignore what you have, but you're going to have to face it! That thing is going to take over your life, Jessie! I'm sorry because I didn't want to be the one to tell you, but somebody has to! Where's your girlfriend? Is she cuddling you right now, baring her teeth at me because she hates me for yelling at you? Huh? Where is she?"

"She's not important right n--"

"WHERE IS SHE?" I yelled out of frustration.

"She's not here..."

"Was she there last night?"

There was silence on the other end.

"Exactly. If that doesn't tell you how bad of a girlfriend she is, I don't know what will. You're hanging out with the wrong people. I carried you offstage so nobody else could see you. I tried to make sure you were safe by dimming the lights in the first place! I stayed with you until you were conscious again. I even called your stupid girlfriend, Jessie! That made me so mad, I thought I was the only one that could care for you. I was right with you the whole time up until that moment. That hurt me so much, after all I did to help you, and you still wanted your girlfriend? I'm sorry I left you, but you were in the wrong."

"I wish you hadn't of left. Then I would've realized my mistake and--"

"No you wouldn't have. I bet you were wondering where Sam was. Why need her when you have a perfectly good friend right here?"

Then I hung up before Jessie could say anything else. Sarah came and gave me a hug from behind.

"You were right, A. She shouldn't have wanted her girlfriend. But, you need to help her. That Sam girl is no good for her, and she could split up what the both of you have. Your old friends wanted you for fame, Aut. I liked you for you, and so does Jessie. If she didn't, she wouldn't have called yelling."

"What do I do, Sarah?" I asked, turning around to face her.

"After the two of y'all cool down, talk to her. She needs to realize what's good for her and what's not."

"And what if she doesn't?" I asked, my voice drastically quieter.

"I'm sorry."


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