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While Jessie was holding the microphone in her hand, I desperately tried not to think about the first time Jessie performed. It made me have this sense that I won't be able to save her again. That there will be this one idiot who claims they can't see, and Jessie has another seizure. It could potentially ruin Jessie's career, and I didn't want that.

"You'll do perfect," I said, more to myself than Jessie. I know she'll do perfect. She just has to.

I made sure the lights were dimmed down more than usual. Her manager made sure to get the point across to the guy working the lights. He wasn't allowed to turn them up for any circumstances, until the end of her performance.

"I really want a kiss," Jessie said with a lowered voice.

Those words slightly calmed my nerves, and I quickly took her away to her dressing room, since she wasn't due to be on until five minutes. After locking the door, I pressed her against the door, and I smashed my lips into hers. They were so smooth and soft. And they relaxed me more as they moved against mine. Not only did she need this, but I needed it also.

Jessie wore high-waisted bottoms, so I could run my hand along her naked thigh. She shivered at how lightly I touched her, and pressed her body into mine even more.

We broke apart, still staying close to each other. We both really needed that, we realized as our eyes connected with one another. The both of us smiled goofily at the other.

"You still look beautiful," I whispered to her, patting her hair.

"Oh no, is my make-up okay? Nobody can know about us yet," Jessie said with a panicked tone.

"Relax, baby. You look fine. No, you might want to get out there. You should be performing soon."

Jessie nodded, gave me a quick kiss, then headed out the door. I stood there for a few minutes, leaning against the wall, collecting my thoughts. My nerves were going haywire. All I saw was Jessie's trembling body fall to the ground. And knowing if she hit her head, she could possibly...

I shook my head then marched out of Jessie's dressing room. I shouldn't be thinking like this. Because my girlfriend is going to rock that stage with her amazing voice.


"I did it!" Jessie cheered as she ran off the stage. The applause of the audience continued, added in with the crew's claps.

She looked around until she spotted me, a proud look on my face as I held open my arms. She ran into them, and I lifted her off the ground and spun around once. Even with sweat on her face and body, she was still madly attractive.

"I'm so proud of you, Jess," I said, cupping a cheek.

Jessie blushed and looked at the ground before meeting my eyes again. "I thought of you while I performed."

"You are the cutest thing ever. C'mon, lets get you changed."

I held her hand as I lead her to her dressing room, the happiness still soaring through my body. Jessie was talking about how she felt the whole time while she was performing, and I was fine with it. I wanted to know all her emotions that went through her body as she performed and made an amazing comeback.

"I hope I don't come off as a slut," Jessie worriedly said as I closed the dressing room door shut behind us.

"Baby, you were hot out there. If you came out in a bikini...then probably."

Jessie smiled and kissed me softly. "I'm glad I have you, Autie."

A stupid grin made it's way on my face at her nickname. It was just so darn cute, just like her. "I'm glad I have you, Jessie. Now hurry and change so we can celebrate."

Jessie grinned as she turned away, and I slipped out of her room. My dad was a few feet away, and turned and saw me. My heart sped up, wondering if he's somehow found out about us. But I started to calm down as he made his way towards me with a smile.

"Hello, Autumn! How's Jessie? She's okay, right?" He asked, sounding genuinely concerned about Jessie. That had to mean something positive, right?

"She's great, actually," I responded, trying to keep my voice leveled. "She had fun, and she really loves performing."

"Great! Would you tell her that her manager scheduled her an interview tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" I asked, warily.

"Yeah, short-noticed but, hey. That's what this business is all about."

"Oh. Okay. I'll tell her."

"Thanks, Hun." He kissed my head then walked away.

I should've known that work was going to interfere between Jessie and I. I've been doing things like this for a while. For years. I'm used to it. But now, my girlfriend isn't going to be in my arms when I get home.

Jessie came out of the dressing room in shorts and a shirt that almost covered her shorts, with the sleeves cut off. She looked beyond adorable, and I smiled sadly at her. She noticed my change of mood and asked what was wrong.

"Oh, nothing. You just have an interview tomorrow, along with lots of other things, probably."

"Aw, no! I already have a gig, too!" Jessie said, then pouted. "And I won't spend so much time with you."

"It's fine. I expected that your life would get hectic. You have potential, and you're putting it to work. I'm proud that you've made it."

Jessie smiled at me. "You're too sweet. Now come on, while I still have the day with you."


Jessie and I laughed as we ran into the car from the restaurant we just dined at, as our official first date as a couple. The sky was dark, but clouds had gathered, and they released the rain that was expected for tonight. With her hair soaking wet, Jessie looked adorable, and I just smiled at her.

"Your hair," Jessie giggled.

"Yours," I responded.

Jessie pushed some hair behind her ear. "Are you going to drive or just sit here?"

"'Are you going to drive or just sit here?'" I mocked, trying to capture her accent and all.

"Nice try, babe. But we'll work on it."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. Jessie just gets to me every way possible. And all I could think of is to lean over and kiss her into oblivion.

Imagine That [Jessie J]Where stories live. Discover now