Remember Me | 5

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I arrived to Delta's house, in a better mood than I was when I visited the police station. I hired a private investigator to help be instead of the local police, who has done absolutely nothing. Detective Dave was going to meet me Monday morning to start.

"You seem chipper," Delta said, hugging me.

"I feel awesome," I told her.

She led me into the living room, in silk pajamas, which I thought was cute since it was pink and decorated with bunnies. I giggled, making her look at me.

"What?" She asked.

"You just look so cute right now."

"Would you stop complimenting me?" She asked, starting to smile.

"Can't help it. It's your fault."

"So, where is this cat you had?" Delta asked.

I sat my bag on the ground, one I hadn't used yet really. Then I pulled out Simba, who had been asleep, and sat him on the sofa. He stretched and looked around at his surroundings.


"What?" I asked, scratching behind his ears.

"This is Autumn's cat."

"Yeah? I was given him."

"And what about your dog?" Delta questioned.

"Sarah's watching him."

"How come she couldn't watch the cat too?"

"Because Jackson was already at her place."

Delta sighed. "Okay, fine."

"Is there a problem? I can leave."

I went to stand, but the blonde pulled me back down. Simba hopped off the couch out of fright and Delta scooted closer to me.

"Besides, how do you know all this stuff?" I asked her.

"Social media, babe. I didn't mean to ask so many questions, I was just curious, that's all. I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

Delta smiled, making my stomach do backflips. "It's a Disney movie."

"I love Disney."

"I know."

Ironically, it was The Lion King playing. Delta and I cuddled, although I had to take off my jacket because my skin was so warm. My jeans were beginning to be so uncomfortable, and Delta noticed. She paused the movie and asked what was wrong.

"I'm so uncomfortable in these clothes."

"I have pajamas to change into, if you want?"

I followed Delta into her room, where it looked cleaner. Mostly because I remembered it to have clothes strewn everywhere. She dug through her dresser to pull out silk pajamas that were just like hers. But mine were blue with clouds.

"Thanks," I thanked her, pulling my shirt off.

"Yeah. I'll just wait out here."

Once the door closed, I finished undressing, threw the silky clothes on, and folded my worn ones on her bed. Then I put my hair into a ponytail before opening her room door.

We both jumped since Delta was standing right on the other side of the door. She sheepishly smiled at me before taking what I wore in.

"You look perfect," she breathed.

"I really don't."

"Shut up," she commanded before we headed back to the living room.

We continued watching the movie, me snuggled up to Delta and more comfortable now. My head was lying on her chest, arms around her waist. Her arm was on my back, tracing shapes and patterns on it. My heart was beating unnaturally fast against her, and I hoped she couldn't feel it. How awkward and embarrassing would that be?

But as I zoned out from the movie and paid attention to the blonde goddess that was under me, I realized her heart was beating fast also. So I wasn't the only nervous one here. It made me feel more secure that Delta wasn't so relaxed with this. That she wasn't a complete expert. And that she'll mess up just like me at times.

Delta looked down at me, and I smiled back up at her. Her lips curved into a smile before we both went back to the movie. Her heart was hammering out of her chest. She was so cute to me.

Once the movie was over, I sat up so Delta could go to the DVD player. But before she could turn it off, I asked if we could watch another movie.

"Of course," she answered.

Then she popped in another movie and returned to her previous position on the couch. And I resumed snuggling up to her. Delta skipped through the previews until the main menu of Beauty and the Beast came up and she pressed 'play'.

That's how we spent the whole night, watching movies with each other. Delta had order Chinese for us at one point during a movie, and we ate while watching The Little Mermaid.

Honestly, this was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. A night where I could rest and not cry or be constantly reminded of Autumn. Although I told Delta to pick anything but Snow White, but it worked out because Delta wasn't fond of that movie. The last movie I remember watching was Aladdin before I drifted off...

The next morning, I woke up cuddled to Delta, still on the couch. We weren't in the same position though. Delta was lying on the couch on two pillows, and I was lying on top of her, using her as my pillow. And mattress. Our legs were tangled with each other.

I sat up enough to see Delta's peaceful, sleeping face. I know I've said this plenty of times before, but she's just so beautiful. She looks like a piece of art, even though her hair was in a messy ponytail, she wore not an ounce of make-up, and she wasn't even smiling.

"Stop staring at me," Delta mumbled.

A blush covered my face as Delta opened her crystal blue eyes. She grinned, cupping my cheek with her right hand.

"You're so cute, Jess."

She kissed my other cheek before I got off of her. That's when the sudden realization hit me. I slept over at her house. Again.

"We aren't even together, and I've spent another night here!" I exclaimed.

"And what's the big deal?"

"People are gonna make up stories, Delta!"

Delta sighed and sat up, stretching. "Calm down, you can say I'm your friend or something. It's not a big deal."

"But then I would be lying," I murmured under my breath.

The blonde beauty stood up with me, and moved in front of me. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we aren't friends. We're kinda...something more."

She began to smirk, making me blush again. How come I was so freaking shy around her??? It frustrated me but amused her.

"What are we?" Delta asked.

I glared up at her as she laughed and my face heated up even more. "You know what we are."

"Yeah, but I want to hear you say it."

I sighed heavily. "We'"

"What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you."

"Dating! We're dating, Delta!"

She grinned and kissed my forehead. "Glad to know we're on the same page."

A/N: I tried to make this cute. But I probably failed horribly. 😶

Imagine That [Jessie J]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz