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Jessie ignored me for days. Even when I give her rides to the studio, she didn't talk or look at me. It made my heart ache, because I liked her so much, and all I think about is her. She's been on my mind so much lately, I even found myself putting together love songs about her. I get frustrated with myself, and store them in my Incomplete folder, because I'm never completing them. Ever.

After going through another Decision with my dad--the guys had to try again sometime--he pulled me to the side and asked what was wrong between Jessie and I.

"You two aren't being friendly at all. It's starting to worry me," he insisted.

"We're just in a little fight. Nothing too big," I responded.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. It wasn't that big.

"Okay, then. But, I wanted to show you something."

Dad went over to the couch and brung back a book. But not just any book. One of my high school yearbooks.

"I just found out that you and Jessica went to the same high school! Isn't that a coincidence? Did you two talk at that time?"

I stared down at the book in horror as my dad stopped on a page with Jessie's picture taken. She looked so dark and depressed, the complete opposite of how she is today.

"It was the only one I could find. The others didn't have her in them."

Because she never showed up to Picture Days, I thought to myself. But I still didn't say a word about it.

"We didn't talk a lot then. We only passed each other. But, I gotta go now! I'm, uh, working on a new song!"

Then I raced out of the room, bumping into someone as I ran into the elevator without looking.

It was Jessie.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, helping Jessie up.

She yanked her hand away once she saw who I was, then crossed her arms and hung her head. I was getting tired of the lack of communication between us, and I was going to settle it once and for all.

"Jessie, this is stupid," I began. "You and I not talking to each other. I'm sorry for treating you wrong."

We were the only ones in the elevator, so no body can hear us.

Jessie didn't say anything or even look up.

"Jessie, please talk to me," I pleaded.

"Just leave me alone," she quietly said.

The elevator stopped at a floor, and Jessie went to get off. But I didn't want to lose her so quickly, so I blocked her way and quickly pressed the button to the highest floor. Jessie stared at me in shock as the doors closed once again.

"What's your problem?!" Jessie yelled.

"My problem is you! Why won't you talk to me like a mature adult?" I asked.

"You're not acting like one! I have things to do, you know?"

"And? Jess...I miss you," I admitted, feeling my face heat up.

Jessie didn't look impressed. Her arms were crossed and she looked irritated. "Just because you tell me that you missed me, I'm supposed to be running back to you? It doesn't work like that, Autumn."

"Jessie, I think about you all the time!" I blurted out without thinking. Jessie's face started to soften.

"I really do," I continued. "I'm not saying this just because. I mean it. You're on my mind all the time. I even wrote love songs about you! Because...I don't know. I really like you, Jessie. It hurts to not have you talk to me."

The doors opened, and a group of men looked relieved, about to walk on the elevator. Reacting quickly, I pushed them away from the door and pressed the 1st floor's button. They glared at me  and started to shout insults as the doors closed and the elevator descended.

Letting out a breath, I turned back to Jessie. But I felt her jump on me in a hug, her legs around my waist. Her face was tucked into my neck as I supported her bottom. We stayed like that for a minute, until I put her down.

"I'm sorry too, Autumn. I was being a bītch, and it was completely uncalled for. Please, you'll have to forgive me."

Jessie gazed into my eyes as she said all this, and they were full of regret and some hope. Hope that I would forgive her, and put all of this behind us.

I pulled her face to mine and kissed her quickly. Jessie seemed fazed by the sudden action, and she looked into my eyes for some sort of explanation.

"Jessie...I want you to be mine. It drives me crazy when you're not near me. It breaks my heart when you're mad at me, and you ignore me. And I'll always be there for you. Always. When you're having an episode, I will be there for you to get through it. And I'll never, ever, cause it. Ever. My feelings are too strong, Jessie, and I--"

"Yes," Jessie interrupted.

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears. Did she really say that?

Jessie nodded. "I'll be your girlfriend."

A huge grin spread across my face, and Jessie reciprocated it. I leaned in to kiss her again, but the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Jessie sheepishly smiled at me as I held her hand and ran into my private studio. I closed and locked the door, making sure nobody else was in there.

Jessie smiled at me before leaning in, and I did also so our lips could meet. The kiss was slow and passionate. During the while, our bodies got closer and closer until we were pressed against one another. Jessie started another tongue battle, which I won, and made Jessie moan into my mouth. The vibration of her moan made me let out a small one of my own.

We pulled away for air, and Jessie tucked some of my red hair behind my ear. "I'm sure this will not be a mistake," she said, taking both of my hands in hers.

"I'm positive about that also," I agreed.

"You know Sarah will probably faint," Jessie joked.

"Or probably give herself a heart attack from spazzing out," I laughed.

Jessie giggled along until she stopped and gave me a short and sweet kiss. "Autumn?"

"Hmm?" I hummed, holding her by her slender waist.

"Do you think I could hear some of those songs you made?"

"Jessie you don't want to--"



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