Remember Me | 2

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"You look beautiful," Sarah told me as she finished curling my hair.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was dolled up, ready for a night at some club Sarah goes to. She did my hair and my make-up, and she even chose my outfit. A crop top and a short skirt. I was used to wearing things like this, but it just didn't feel right.

"Are you sure this is right?" I asked, turning around to look at her.

"Of course I am. You can't spend your life thinking about only Autumn. She'd want you to live your life without her."

Sarah kissed my forehead before walking out my room. I felt like messing up my hair and changing into sweatpants and t-shirt. But I slipped on my heels and made my way downstairs.

Sarah was on her phone, waiting at the door. She looked up at me and grinned. "My Jessie is growing up!"

I gave a small smile and headed out the door behind her.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked as she got into the car after me. "It doesn't seem right."

"Please, Jess. Just at least try it? If not for me, for Autumn?" Sarah pleaded.

"Autumn wouldn't have wanted me to do this. We would've been cuddled up watching some movie with our child or something."

"Jessie? Do me a favor and shut up?"


The club was upbeat and had a fun atmosphere. The walls shook from how loud the music was and from the bass. People were dancing and having a good time. Drinks sloshed onto the floor as drunk people stumbled around. But where was I?

At the bar, sipping on a coke.

Sarah went off and left me, finding her next soulmate. No doubt, she would leave with him and forget about me. I sat alone, talking with nobody, glad that nobody recognized me. Until this one girl walked up to me.

"Hey, beautiful," she said, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

I nodded politely. "Hello."

"Why is a girl so pretty as yourself sitting alone?" She asked, not getting the hint that I wanted to be left alone.

"My friend dragged me here. She's off with some random guy."

"Huh. Well, maybe I should keep you company. So nobody can kidnap you or anything."

The girl climbed into a seat, then turned to look at me. I had to admit, she was extremely beautiful. With her piercing blue eyes and gorgeous smile, all I could do was stare at her.

Then I thought of Autumn, and I went back to my drink. Autumn wouldn't approve of this.

"What's your name?" She asked, propping her head on her hand.

"Er, Jessie," I cautiously said to her. Didn't she recognize me from everywhere? I'm surprised nobody has really paid attention to me. But they're probably too drunk to even remember the person they came here with.

"Jessie. I like it. Nice, pretty. So, got a boyfriend?" She asked.

"Not into men," I automatically said. Then I mentally slapped myself in the face. Great thing to tell somebody who's flirting with you.



She began to smirk, then called out to the bartender before turning back to me. "Fancy a drink?"

"Sorry, I don't drink--"

"Oh, come on! Don't knock it 'till you try it, beautiful!"

She ordered two drinks that I'm positive had alcohol in them. The bartender went away then came back with two glasses exactly the same. The blonde grinned at me, sliding one to me before paying the bartender.

"No--" I started.

"It's on me, baby." She winked, then handed the bartender her credit card. Or some bank card. It was sort of dark.

"Er..." I looked at the drink. "What is this?"

The woman started sipping the drink. "A margarita, baby. Decided to go easy on you."

I uneasy examined it, then looked back at the beautiful woman. She was trailing her finger around part of the rim before sticking it in her mouth. Her eyes lingered on me, seductively.

"So, alone?" The stranger asked me.

"Well, yeah. Sometimes I stay with a friend."

"Interesting. Is she staying there now?"

She reached out and started stroking my arm. I pulled my arm away and sipped on the drink she ordered me. Almost immediately, I felt the effect of the alcohol. I felt myself become slightly unfocused, but I shook it off.

"Loosen up, baby. What's wrong, a break up?" She felt on my arm again, but I didn't move it.


"Just forget about her. She doesn't deserve someone as sexy as you."

"But, I don't want to," I found myself blurting out.

"Oh, baby..."

For a while, we were just talking, and I downed my drink as well as she did. She ordered me more alcoholic drinks, paying them before I could. Which wasn't hard because my reflexes were delayed and I was a bit giggly.

"You really have the giggles," she laughed.

"Nuh-uh," I giggled.

"Whatever. You really are beautiful."

Her hand was discovering my thigh, and whenever she reached higher, I pushed her away and laughed.

"Not more beautiful-er than you! You're hot!"

The woman smiled, then it dropped. She moved in closer and closer, so close I could smell the alcohol on her breath. Then she pulled my face closer so our lips would meet.

It. Was. Amazing. Her lips were so soft and tender, and she was quite a good kisser. It wasn't passionate or lustful, neither was it chaste or quick. It was perfect.

My heads reached around when she pulled away. And I pushed her head back into mine so we could kiss again. The kiss started to heat up and turn lustful. She gripped my waist, pulling me towards her. We broke away, and the woman stood up, pulling me towards the dance floor.

"Wan go dance?" She asked.

"No! I'm horrible at it!"

"I bet you're sexy!" She insisted.

And that was the last thing I remembered before everything became a huge blur.

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