Remember Me | 4

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Delta and I texted each other throughout the week. Sarah would smirk at me when I was home doing it, and my crew members would smirk at me while I was doing my job.

I told myself I wouldn't do this. That I'd never get with anybody else, because my heart only belongs to Autumn. Yet, here I was. Talking to Delta and growing feelings for her. I was betraying Autumn, an it was so wrong...but it doesn't feel wrong. And it's scaring me.

So when Delta met me for lunch Friday afternoon and kissed my cheek, I looked away from her. I was so confused and lost on this. Whether I was doing the right thing, moving on from Autumn and going on to Delta.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she sat across from me.

I shook my head. "I'm so confused."

"How come?"

"Because of whatever we have! I mean, one moment I was engaged to the most perfect woman in the world, and the next I'm four years older and still trying to find whoever killed her! And now, I'm here talking with you,'s all so confusing to me! I'm not sure if this is right!"

"Does it feel right?"

"...It doesn't feel wrong..."

Delta gave me a small smile. "Jessie, I know this is hard for you, but you have to trust Sarah and I on this. Being with somebody else will help you, I'm sure of it. Aren't you ready to date?"

"I don't know."

"Hey, I'll help you! I'll show you what it feels like to date again! We'll go to the fair, and go to the movies, and have dinners and stuff. It'll be fun."

Delta reached across and held my hand in hers. And as much as I wanted to pull away, I kept still. "That would be great," I said, "but I can only do the last one."

"What? What for?"

"Remember? My condition?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, Jess! You just seem like a normal person to me. I feel stupid."

I smiled back at her. She really was cute. Even if I had the small voice in the back of my head saying that I shouldn't do this, I shouldn't fall for her 'tricks'. But what tricks does she have? She seems sincere about it.

"It's fine."

The waiter came, and we were forced to pull our hands apart. We ordered an our menus were taken up. Delta cleared her throat and shifted around in her seat. My eyes were shyly on her. She was just so beautiful.

Her eyes shot up to mine. "What?" She asked.

"You're really pretty."

"Aw, thanks. But I'm nothing in comparison to you."

"Do you do this to all the girls you end up in your bed with?" I jokingly, but somewhat seriously, asked. If she said 'yes', then this probably wouldn't last long and I should stop seeing her.

"No, not really. Some of them are too clingy. No, all of them are! That's why I don't give my phone number out. But you? You're the complete opposite. You wanted nothing to do with me. Even last night you were reluctant in sleeping with me! But I like a challenge."

Maybe I should've acted clingy, I thought to myself. "That's great to know."

Our food arrived, which was both salads. I wasn't really hungry, but I wanted to talk to Delta on her lunch break.

As I ate, I felt eyes on me, and in exchange I snuck looks at Delta. She was extremely beautiful. Not as beautiful as Autumn, of course, but still. Her hair was pulled back in a bun and she wore make-up. But I knew from a week ago that she's beautiful without it.

"What are you?" I asked her, taking in the professional clothing she wore.

"PA. It sucks."

"What? How?"

"The boss is extremely rude, the other employees don't like me, and it's stressful having to run around all the time," Delta sighed.

"I'm so sorry. Is the pay good?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. If it wasn't, I'd've quit a long time ago."

"Oh. Don't worry, it'll get better."

Delta smiled at me.

"You have a beautiful smile," I blurted out stupidly. I'm such an idiot, I swear.

"I'd have to say the same to you," she winked.

After we ate, I offered to drive her back to her job, since she walked to the place because it wasn't far away.

"Thanks, Jess. You didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

"Say, how about we hang out at my house? I've got vodka."

"Noooo," I laughed. "No more alcohol for me!"

"I'm kidding, babe. But, I've got drinks, like juice and crap. Maybe we can watch a movie or something?"

I hesitated in answering. Do I take her up on her offer? I was planning on staying home and relaxing. And by relaxing, I mean imagining Autumn was there beside me as I watch a movie with Simba.

But if I reject it, Delta would  think something was going on, or that I don't like her. And as much as I didn't want to admit it before, I like Delta. I really like her. And I want to spend time with her.

"That would be lovely," I said.

"Great! Um, will nine be good? Because I get off at eight, and I don't want to smell like sweat around you."

"Yeah, but only on one condition..."


"I can bring my cat."

"Sure," she automatically said.

I pulled up to her job, and she gave me a kiss on my cheek. "See you tonight, Jess."


Then she shut the door and I drove off towards the police station.


"Nothing again?" I asked wearily.

Officer Stan shook his head. "I'm sorry Miss J. We've found no clues still."

"You did take the bullet out of her and brush it for fingerprints, right?" I asked with a slight attitude.

"Yes, ma'am," he sighed. "The perpetrator was smart and didn't handle it with his hands."

I groaned. "This is the last time I work with public police officers."

"Well, what are you going to do now?"

"Hire a private investigator. They'd do a better job."

Then I left the station, on my phone, trying to find the number I need. I've been waiting for justice for Autumn for four freaking years. And I'm determined to get it somehow.

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