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A/N: Sorry for not updating anytime last week. I had exams and, yeah. :3 So, enjoy this late chapter.

Jessie came out of the bathroom, and she grinned once she saw me waiting for her. I didn't know anybody else that well. Don't get me wrong, I would love to get to know the people that works with my girlfriend, but I thought it would be odd without her by my side.

"Ready?" She asked, already taking my hand.

I nodded, and was led off the bus and into the venue where her concert was at tonight. We were going to do her soundcheck, lighting, and other boring stuff like that. Well, boring according to Jessie, but I was more than excited. I get to have a somewhat private concert from my baby. My girl. My lover.

She stood on stage as I sat at the edge, responding to a text from Sarah, who was freaking out about me.

"It's too harsh!" Jessie yelled, covering her face from the bright lights.

The lights dimmed some, and she held up her thumb. "Thank you!"

The lights flickered, signaling 'you're welcome' or something along the lines.

Jessie grinned, then she faced me. "Hi, baby," she said in the microphone.

"Hi, Jessie," I called back.

Our cute moment was interrupted by her manager telling her to song something to test the microphone and what not. Jessie nodded, then she turned to the musicians and told them something I couldn't hear, then music started to play. Her song Who You Are, was being played, then she started to beautifully sing, looking directly at me.

A stupid, goofy grin spread across my face as she sang to me. To see her looking at me and only me made my heart skip thousands of beats. She doesn't realize how much I love her, and I need to show her. So, I stood up on the stage as walked over to her. A smile was plastered on her face as I gradually got closer and closer to her. She reached out and grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers together. My heart grew at the heartfelt moment.

At the end of the song, Jessie kissed me and said, "I love you, baby."

There was a chorus of aw's from her band members, and my face grew as red as my hair. "I love you, too."

The aw's were louder, and Jessie blushed even redder as she stepped around the microphone to hug me. She kissed me longer, earning wolf whistles, and I pulled away from embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed," Jessie murmured in my ear. "They love you already."

The rest of the day went smoothly, and while Jessie was taking short breaks in between songs, I was going around to the band members and getting into deep conversation about their instruments. The manager didn't mind me talking to them a bit too long, probably because of who I am or because I'm part of the reason Jessie's career hasn't sunk. They were great to talk to, and they shared the same love for music as me.

"I see you got along great with the band," Jessie noticed as we walked back to our bus, hand in hand.

"They were really cool," I admitted with a smile. "I think I'll like them while we're on tour."

"I'm sure you will," Jessie assured as we made our way to our room. She started to get undressed, and I adverted my eyes out of politeness.

"Why won't you look at me?" She asked softly.

"It's not lady-like," I murmured.

"You're so cute, you know."

"Yeah, you've told me."

She giggled. "Well, anyways, I was thinking that we can get something to eat before the concert."

"Okay," I agreed, going to my suitcase to change into something more appropriate.


"...Thank you! I want to thank you all for this wonderful night!" Jessie said to her screaming fans.

I stood off-stage, watching her with a smile on my face. The first ever concert I've seen of Jessie, and I can say that I'm satisfied and proud of her. Quite a few times she looked back to me, and it looked like she wanted to say or do something. But I brushed it off as slight nerves or something. Probably the adrenaline rush she's experiencing.

"And before I go..."--she gave me a look--"...I want to do one last thing. Um, as you all know, I've worked with none other than Autumn Winter."

The crowd screamed, some clapping and cheering. What was she doing?

"And...there have been rumors about us. And, I just want to put them to rest. So, Autumn?"

She turned and looked at me, waiting for me to run on-stage. Is she really doing this? I thought to myself, but nevertheless, I ran on the stage. The cheering grew louder, and I grinned stupidly as I hugged my sweaty girlfriend.

"Do you want to do this?" She whispered in my ear, then bit her lip as she searched my eyes.

Of course I wanted to do this, I have for a while. But my father stood in the way, intimidating us. And we couldn't do what we've wanted to. Now that we're in the time and place, do I?

Do I want to face the questions and rumors based on our relationship? Am I ready for even more publicity? And what will Dad say? Would he ruin our relationship?

My eyes gazed into Jessie's, hers full of worry. What was she worried about? Us becoming public? Did she want to? Of course she does, otherwise she wouldn't have done this.

"Yeah," I responded, smiling at her.

Jessie grinned, and we faced each other. Her gaze dropped down to my lips, and I knew what her plan was. We slowly leaned into each other until our lips touched. The crowd roared as they went crazy, billions of flashes going off, capturing this moment for us. The kiss deepened, showing how deep our relationship is. It continued until I smiled too much and we had to pull away.

I expected Jessie to say good-night and for us to run off the stage. But instead, Jessie pulled a small ring box out, and dropped down on one knee. What?!

Everybody was holding their breath it seemed like, but Jessie held the microphone up to her mouth anyways.

"Autumn, Autie, baby...Words cannot explain how I feel about you. You're an amazing woman, and I love you so much. I love you with every part of my heart. I love the way you look at me, the way you talk to me, the way you touch me, the way you were there for me through my sickness. You make me feel...weird. But in a good way. And I don't want to ever stop feeling like that, baby. So, Autumn Renée Winter, will you marry me?"

The venue grew deadly silent as everybody waited for my answer. This was so sweet, and I felt so emotional. Tears fell down my face as I could only look into Jessie's eyes. I always thought I would be the one in her position, proposing to her. Well, this is a huge twist...

Jessie's head lowered, thinking I didn't want to, but that was far from my answer.

"Yes," I said. "Yes, Jessie. I'll marry you."

Fans deafened my ears as they screamed and cheered for us. Jessie slid the ring on the appropriate finger, then stood and gave me a huge hug. I held her face so I could kiss her and show her how much I've meant it.

"I love you so much," I whispered in her ear, bending down so she could jump on me.

Sure enough, I felt her legs around my waist, and I carried her off the stage.

Imagine That [Jessie J]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin