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The rest of Christmas was spent wonderfully. Kind of. Jessie called her family and wished them a Merry Christmas, and then proceeded in telling them about me. As soon as they heard my name, according to Jessie, they recognized who I was. The perks of being the daughter of Mr. Winter.

Simba wasn't so crazy about spending time with Jackson, since Jackson was still a puppy. A hyper one at that. So, my kitty stayed in Jessie's bedroom, where he had a second bed and scratching post to keep himself occupied.

All the wrapping paper was put up, and our gifts were put in their proper places. And then it was Jessie and I sitting on the couch, watching tv, with the lights on the tree casting a glow in the room. It was, of course, a Christmas movie. I looked over to catch Jessie gazing at a necklace I bought her that was around her neck. She traced the circular shape of the pendant, then looked up to meet my gaze.

"What?" She questioned, starting to smile.

"Nothing. I just love you."

Jessie giggled and hid her face in my neck adorably. I've fallen so hard for this woman, and I'm just glad I'm able to say those three words to her. She then sat up and our eyes gazed at each other.

Then we were slowly leaning in until our lips touched, and that familiar feeling rushed through my body. The kiss deepened when Jessie slipped her tongue in my mouth, and her arms went around my neck. Mine held her waist as our tongues danced in my mouth, and the kiss grew passionate.

I feel as if I can trust Jessie with my life, but more importantly, with my heart. She's been so loving and caring towards me the whole time we've been together. She doesn't care that I'm the daughter of the guy who owns the biggest label company. She hasn't tried to make my father like her, or tried to get other people a contract with him. Never has she pressured me to do something I don't want to do. And, I felt somewhat normal the whole time I was with her. And I love her for that.

Slowly, I sat up with Jessie with me, and I tugged on the hem of her shirt. We broke the kiss for only a second as I took the shirt off her body. I was about to take off mine when Jessie stopped me.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked, searching my eyes for any hesitation or doubt.

"I'm ready, Jess," I replied, standing the both of us up and leading her to the bedroom.


"That was amazing," Jessie breathed as I lied on her chest.

I nodded, unable to speak. That was just the best moment of my life, being able to please Jessie and make her feel good. And we both took our time with each other, no rushing whatsoever. It was just perfect. Just like her.

Jessie brushed some hair from my face, and tucked them behind my ear, and I looked up at her. We smiled at each other. God, she is so beautiful.

"You say that all the time," Jessie said, grinning.

And there I go with saying my thoughts aloud. "You weren't supposed to hear that, gorgeous," I replied.

"Well, I did. And you're beautiful yourself. With the freckles barely able to be seen, and the red hair on your pretty head. And how you scrunch up your nose if you don't like something, like you do on some of your songs--"

"I do that?" I questioned, my hand flying up to my nose.

Jessie giggled. "Yeah, you do. It's cute, and I like it. And how you watch me when I cook in the kitchen. How you just surprise me sometimes...I'm some happy to have found you, and I'm able to tell you how I feel."

"Same," was all I could say, before I scooted up to kiss her again.

A month or so has passed since then. Jessie was getting ready for a tour, something I wasn't ready for yet. I wasn't ready for Jessie to leave me for who knows how long. I got to every concert, so not being able to be there and support her was starting to kill me.

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