Remember Me | 14

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Hi, my beautiful readers! Since I went so long without updating, I decided to do this surprise update! Yayyy! XD

Also, I was looking around and found all these books for specific fanbases (like "Swifties Only" and "Arianators Only", etc.) and I discovered there were none about Jess. *Insert big shock*

So I was wondering if I was the brave soul who created one, would you read it? And if so, comment maybe? And comment what you would want to see in it? That would mean a lot to meeee! 😄❤️

"Danger?" Sarah questioned. "What do you mean by danger? She's hidden, so that means she's safe, right?"

"Of course not! She must've been captured and taken there by someone. But who?" I questioned.

I felt extremely sick. My girlfriend was in even more danger because I told her to hide. I'd rather her be in jail until she was proved innocent. But now there's a chance she could be killed by someone I don't even know.

I wiped the tears coming from my eyes as Sarah gasped.

"You don't was your ex, right? Could it be her?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know, but it might be. All I know is that I'm going there--"

"But you can't!" Sarah shouted, making me jump and swerve a little.

"Why not?" I shouted back.

"It's obviously a trap! They want you to go there and save Delta! Possibly to kill you! That's why they made her call you and tell you where you're at! And exactly why Delta told you there was danger, because she doesn't want you to go there!"

Sarah was right, it could all be a set up. But I can't just leave Delta there. What if they hurt her? My foot slammed in breaks, Sarah gripping on to the door for dear mercy. Once the car stopped--luckily it was an empty road--I turned to Sarah.

"What do we do then?" I asked.

"Call the cops! Something!"

"Maybe she was just scared and wanted me to get there fast?" I tried. I didn't want to believe Delta could have possibly been kidnapped by my crazy, psycho ex.

So I picked up the phone and dialed Delta's number again. "Hello?" I asked before anybody could speak.


It wasn't Delta.

"Sam?!? Is that you?!" I asked.

"It's me, Jessica. The loving and caring girlfriend that you left to be with some redheaded idiot," Sam sneered over the phone.

"She was not an idiot! And you never loved me! You just used me!"

"It's so great to hear your lovely voice again," Sam said, as if she never heard me. "Especially after your stupid girlfriend dying, and here you've got another one! I have to say, you really do choose the good ones, huh? Have an infatuation with blondes, am I right?"

"Autumn wasn't blonde," I bluntly said.

"But you've dated mainly blondes, right? Me, then this stunning woman right in front of me?"

"You aren't even a real blonde!"

I knew Sam rolled her eyes. I still knew her, but not as much as I thought. To resort to kidnapping? I'd never thought until now.

"Whatever," she said. "But if you want to see your precious girlfriend ever again, you better come. And no cops. If I even hear a siren, it's off with her head!"


"Then listen to me, Jessica. Toodles!"

The dull tone blared in my ear, and I hung up as well.

"Who even says 'toodles'?" Sarah commented.

I ran my hand through my hair, upset about everything. My ex caught my girlfriend, and is threatening to kill her if I come without the police. Tears threatened to spill out, and I started sniffling.

"Oh, I know you're not about to cry, Jessica!" Sarah said, turning to fully face me.

"I'm so frustrated, I don't know what to do!" I admitted.

"I don't care! Your psycho ex has Delta hostage! And I like Delta! And if you think sitting here and crying is going to help, you have another thing coming! So you better suck it up and think about how to save her, and stop crying when something doesn't go your way!"

She was right. Completely right. I sat back in my seat and sighed. "How am I going to do this?"

"Uh, correction: how are we going to do this? Remember, I like the girl too, you know?" Sarah corrected.

"Right. But we can't do this by ourselves. We need someone to help us, Sarah."

"The detective and his crew. Duh."

"She said if she heard one siren, she'd kill Delta!"

"That's why we aren't going to use a siren."

Sarah was really confusing me, and I have her a blank look. She sighed and told me to call Detective Dave, which I reluctantly did.

"Jessica, where are you?" He immediately asked.

"That's not important at the moment. I need your help."

"The only way you'll help us is if you tell me where Delta is."

"I will, I will! But there's an even bigger problem at stake. And I suspect someone else know, committed the crime."

He didn't say anything for a minute. Then he came back with, "Go on."

"The person absolutely hated Autumn, and she wants me to meet her somewhere. That somewhere is an abandoned warehouse, see, and she's kidnapped Delta."

"...How do I know you're not lying?"

"Because Sarah is right here and she heard everything!"

"Okay, then. But what if she's lying as well?"

Sarah groaned. "Oh, for crying out loud! Meet us at Jessie's house now! She has a story to tell you about everything so it makes since!"

Then she hung up the phone while it was still in my hand. "Drive," she ordered me, and I followed her command.


"...And that's what happened," I finished the story of my relationship with Sam.

Dave and the police officers shook their heads. "She's a psycho."

Now thinking about it, she was kind of sick. Causing my seizures on purpose...

"She needs to go to a mental institution," Dave continued. "So, she's in this warehouse, correct?"

I nodded.

"With Delta as hostage?"

I gave him another nod.

"Is there anybody else with them?"

"There may be. I'm sure there are, unless she's making empty threats."

"Alright then. Are you sure about this? You're telling the truth?"


"Okay. You can't wear a wire, because I'm sure she'll pay you down. We'll just get the satellite-shaped thing to hear everything through the walls, okay?"

"Okay. We are doing this today, right? I can't leave my baby there overnight."

Dave nodded. "I'll come back with the necessary equipment, Jessie. The operation will take place in a few hours--"

"A few hours?? No, this needs to happen now! An hour at the most, please?"

Dave sighed. "Yeah, but I can't guarantee that we'll not get caught."

"I'm okay with that."

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