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"...I like them," Jessie claimed, taking her headphones off. She looked at me and nodded in confirmation.

"They're nothing but trash. I'm not going to finish them," I stated.

Jessie raised an eyebrow at me, and I shrugged. It was the truth. I'm not the person to make a love song.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Just because. I'm not."

"What if I can change that?" Jessie challenged.

My eyes zeroed in on hers. She was a hundred percent serious. Jessie make me finish those songs? Yeah, right. She may be good, but not that good.

"As if," I said, leaning back in my seat.

"What? You don't believe me?"

I shook my head in complete honesty.

Jessie frowned slightly as she went through my songs. She found one and pressed the play button, then readied herself as the music began playing. I watched as she took a deep breath, then began singing to the slow song. My heart beat quickened as she gazed into my eyes as she sung. It felt like she was singing specifically to me.

Then she stood, still singing, and held her hand out to me. Ah, crap. She wanted to dance! Not trying to sound big-headed, but I'm great at dancing. I do it all the time to some of the works I'm more proud of. But, Jessie wanted to slow dance with me. I haven't done anything like that in a while.

After standing, I put my hands on her hips, and she settled for wrapping her arms around my neck. We rocked side to side slowly as Jessie continued to sing to me. Why did she have to have such an angelic voice?

The partial track ended, but Jessie continued to sing. So it wasn't from the top of her head. How long has she had it written?

This was truly romantic to me. That Jessie was here, singing to me and dancing with me. Nobody was here to distract or interrupt us.

All too soon, Jessie had stopped singing. We ceased our bodies, and just looked into the others eyes. Jessie cupped a cheek and leaned in to kiss me passionately.

My body was lit up from the way she was kissing me. Her hands ran down the front of my body, making me shiver in delight. They ended up at my waist, where she began to tug at the button of my jeans. It wasn't as if I never slept with anybody, I just didn't want to do it this early. We got together only an hour ago!

"Jess, stop," I said, pushing her away slightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jessie apologized, whilst blushing.

"It's okay. Just, not this early."

"But...it feels like I've known you my whole life," Jessie whispered to me.

"Well, we have been friends for quite a while."

"I just feel so comfortable with you, Autumn. But, I understand that you want to wait. I'm not one of those types that sleeps with you when you first met, if that's what you think! I mean--Oh God! I sound terrible! I didn't mean--"

"Jessie!" I interrupted, cupping her cheeks. Her glamorous eyes lifted up to meet mine, and I felt my heart melt at the action. "Baby, it's okay. I understand what you mean. And I don't think you're like that. I know you're not like that."

Jessie began to blush cutely, her eyes downcast now. "You called me 'baby'."

"Yeah. You're my 'baby' now."

"And I get to call you that also?" Her eyes were now back to mine.

"As many times as you want."

Imagine That [Jessie J]Where stories live. Discover now