Remember Me | 10

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I had the rope ready to go, and I told Sarah to go shopping for me, which she happily did. I had written notes to all my loved ones, describing what I had done and why I did it. Delta was right. And I was finally going to be happy again.

I threw all my clothes out the closet, and brung a chair in it. Then I securely tied the rope to the pole that hangs my clothes. I made a noose quickly, then ushered Jackson and Simba out the room, both knew something was up and were reluctant to go, but I picked them up and put them out.

This was it, the moment I've been waiting for. I smiled to myself as I stepped on the chair and put the loop of the rope around my neck. I could already see Autumn's smiling face and hear her adorable laugh.

Something told me to stop, and I hesitated for a bit. I heard the front door open. How could Sarah be back so fast? Maybe she forgot her wallet.

After believing that's what it was, I stepped off the chair right when my bedroom door opened and someone screamed.


When I wasn't unconscious, I opened my eyes to see Delta, crying into my chest. She was holding my body up so I wasn't being choked.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

But she cried even harder, soaking my shirt.

I was somewhat disappointed in myself. How come I can't do anything right? I couldn't have a normal life, a normal relationship, and I can't even commit suicide properly. Was the whole world against me?

Apparently not, according to the girl soaking my shirt with her tears. I reached up and stroked her hair. I always did this when she was frustrated or upset.

The sobs quieted down as she looked up at me in surprise. She obviously had thought I was dead.

"Jessie, why?" She asked, sniffing softly.

"You told me to--"

"Well it was a big mistake. And since when did you listen to me?"

"I wanted to be happy."

"Do I not make you happy? Am I not doing enough? Tell me so I can fix this, baby. I don't want to lose you like this. Not here, not now, not ever."

She removed the rope from around my neck and carried me to the bed. Delta laid me down, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"But you told me--"

"Forget what I told you! I was angry that you still had feelings for your dead girlfriend!"

"How come you came back so fast?" I asked. "Didn't you leave?"

"No. I could never leave when I'm mad at a time like this. I just sat in my car. I was about to apologize to you when I saw you...Jessie please don't scare me like that again. I don't think I could even imagine how it would be to live without you...To not wake up with you beside me, to not hear your voice or your laugh, or to see your beautiful face. I think about you all the time, Jess. And, what I'm trying to say is...I love you..."

Then Delta kept rambling on about something I wasn't paying attention to. She loves me. She admitted that she loves me. And I love her back.

So I cut off her rambling with a soft kiss. She responded, and I felt something wet on my face as well. She was still crying.

"I love you too," I told her, wrapping my arms around her slim waist.

"Don't say it just because, Jessie--"

"I'm not! I really mean it. You came back for me, even though you were really mad. You didn't stand there and watch me die. You saved me. Both ways. Mentally and physically."

"Something told me not to leave. That something would happen."

I smiled up at her and she kissed my forehead.

"We both need some rest," she commented, softly pushing my hands away from her.


The next time I woke up, everything looked normal. My clothes were back in the closet, the chair and rope were gone, and Delta was back in my arms. Well, I was in hers.

Her grip was right on me, so I had a tough time wriggling out of her grasp. Her eyebrows furrowed in her sleep, and I replaced my body with a pillow, and she squeezed it and smiled.

So I turned towards my bedroom walls, decorated with Autumn's face. And I finally decided that Delta and Sarah were right. I shouldn't be acting like this. I had to move on with myself.

My phone rung with the detective's number, and I declined it at once. I was going to change. Now that I know I'm not alone, I feel like I can move on. I'll still always love Autumn, but now I'll also love Delta.

I went up to a picture of Autumn and I when we were at my first concert. I was doing it for us, I thought to myself before taking it off the wall...


"Mmm, baby what--?"

I turned to see Delta looking around the room. Now you can actually see the baby blue walls, and I switched some frames so it would contain pictures of Delta and I. Autumn's pictures were in a box in the closet.

"Jessie...what happened?"

"I redecorated it. You and Sarah were right. I need to move on. Autumn was my past. You're my present and future."

Delta smiled and got up and came to me. She pressed her lips against mine many times in quick kisses before ending with a long one.

"Okay, okay! I get it! You two love each other very much!"

Sarah had came into the room with a book. Delta and I stopped kissing, and she stepped away.

"Don't get jealous because you don't have a girl like Jessie to be with," Delta said, kissing my cheek and making me blush.

"Ugh, you two make me want to puke. Anyways, I have a present. It's a photo album!"

"For what?" Delta asked, taking the book from Sarah.

"For your adventures with Jessie. And by the way, if you hurt her, I will decapitate and gut you," she threatened.

Delta held her hands up before Sarah smiled and walked out of the room. She sat the album down and I went over to the bed.

"Delta, I've been thinking..." I started.


"I've been thinking about us...and I came to the conclusion that I don't love you..."

Delta's face fell and I smiled at her.

"...I'm in love with you..."


They admitted that they love each other, and Jessie took it a step further and added 'in'! But will Delta say it back? Ahhhh!

I really like this book, and I hope you're enjoying it. :3 I've came up with a new system for my stories. Every time I finish a story, I'll post a new one not long after, if not the same day. That way I'll have more than one story going on and stuff like that. And I've got requests to finish and stuff.

And I think this story will be the first one finished as of right now. It's close to the climax that I'm sure you guys will enjoy. Hopefully.

Okay I'm done now.


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