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Weeks have passed since that performance. Jessie's been getting busier by the second. She has gigs, then an interview, studio time, then probably another interview during an average day. She's been getting bigger and bigger also. More people have recognized her name and her face. Now we can't go out in public like we used to. They'd recognize the both of us together and the paparazzi would probably cook up a story that we're dating. Which is absolutely true.

But we still haven't announced our relationship to the world yet. Jessie wanted to, but she was afraid of my dad and what he would say. And honestly, I was anxious about what he would say also.

Jessie came through the door exhausted. She gave me a wary smile as she came to me and gave me a kiss. She doesn't like going back to her own house alone, so she's been staying with Sarah and I.

"Hey, Jess," I greeted.

"Hey, baby. I'm tired."

"I can see that," I chuckled.

Jessie was about to go out the living room when I grabbed her wrist, and she looked back at me.

"Sit with me," I said.

"Can I shower? I imagine I must smell." Yet, she came and sat beside me on the couch.

"So? I like your stinkyness. Eau De Jessie," I joked.

She rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but giggle. "You're adorable."

My hand went to hers, and we entwined our fingers together. We sat in silence for a while, and I thought Jessie had gone to sleep. She did look pretty tired when she walked in. But I was mistaken when she sighed.

"What have you been doing all day?" Jessie asked, lying her head on my shoulder.

"Nothing. I have nothing to do at the moment."

"Not even finish a song?"


"Then make one for me. So I can sing to it."

"Jess, you've taken most of my songs," I laughed. "Your album is going to have Jessie J feat. Autumn Winter on every song!"

"And what if I want that?" She said in my ear.

"I'm sure your fans will be sick of hearing me. They'll be like, 'Ugh! I hate that Autumn Winter so much!'"

"I think they'll love you."

"And I think they aren't stupid, and will find out we're together."

Jessie lifted her head and looked into my eyes. I melted at seeing her green ones. They were just so perfect, just like her. "And what if I want them to find out?" She softly asked.

"Jess...It's too soon. You and I both know this. And if we were to announce it, it'll have to go by my dad. Jessie, I don't want you to be kicked off the label."

"I don't either. But I also don't want to hide my relationship with you! You've helped me through so much, and I honestly can't thank you enough. So, we can only mess around under your father's nose for so long--"

"Whoa. Wait. So you think all we're doing is 'messing around'?" I asked, somewhat angrily.

"What? No! It was bad word choice. You know what I mean," Jessie tiredly protested.

"Oh, I don't know. What do you mean?"

"Autumn, this is more than messing around, and you know it! I'm not that type of girl, and you know that too!"

"Okay, fine. Just drop it."

"I'm not going to 'drop it'! You're going to tell me that this isn't real! That you think I'm messing around! Tell me right now!"

Her face was red from anger as she glared into my eyes, and I glared right back. My mouth opened, about to say something, but instead, I smashed my lips into Jessie's. She roughly kissed back, gripping my hips and digging her nails into them.

The kiss escalated as she slipped her tongue into my mouth to touch mine. They danced inside of my mouth as Jessie leaned forward even more, causing me to lie down on the couch. Her hands roamed my sides, before going under my shirt and running over the quivering muscles. Her touch excited me, but I didn't want to go far. So I broke the kiss when she began tugging at the hem of my pants.

"I'm sorry," Jessie apologized, getting off of me. She scooted away as I sat up.

"It's fine, Jess. I just want to take things slow, you know?"

"Yeah. But, I feel so comfortable with you. Because, we've known each other for a while, Autie. I'm really sorry."

A smile formed on my lips at the nickname. It just gets me every time, because I don't usually have nicknames. Only Sarah calls me by my nickname, and my dad calls me 'Daughter'. Now I have a cuter one Jessie adopted from Sarah.

"I'm sorry about overreacting," I apologized.

"Let's put that behind us, okay?"

"Yeah." I smiled at her.


Sarah helped me carry the bags from my car into our home. Since it was close to Christmas, I wanted to get all my shopping done and have them all wrapped up. Jessie and I had put a tree up at her house, and after I wrapped everything up, I planned to take them over there.

"You got a lot of stuff for her," Sarah commented as she wrapped up a necklace I got Jessie.

"It's not that much," I replied, slapping a bow on a box and placing it to the side. "She's probably had more."

"You're going to spoil her rotten."

"She deserves it, you know. She's been such a good girlfriend to me."

"Say it," Sarah said, smirking.

"Say what?"

"That I'm right! You two were going to end up together, because Jautumn is awesome."

I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. "Fine. You were right."

"I'm always right!"

Halfway through our wrapping, my phone rung, and I answered it when I saw Jessie was calling. "Hi, Jess."

"Hey, Autie! Where are you? I thought it was my house tonight?"

"It is. I'm just doing something with Sarah right now. Don't worry, I'm almost done."

"Okay. Take your time, don't rush."

"O...Kay. Anyways, I'll see you in a bit."

"Have fun, baby."

We hung up, and I sighed to myself. Jessie was just amazing to me. And even though I may have gotten carried away with the gifts (just a little), I know she deserves them.

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