Remember Me | 6

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Ever since I admitted Delta and I were dating, I felt horrible. My poor Autumn was probably watching down at me in disgust. It made me feel sick if she was mad at me, but I was also beginning to believe that maybe I should move along. Start worrying about someone who's actually alive.

It was Monday now, and I was meeting with Detective Dave at my home. It was already clean, so I sat in the kitchen, tending to a coffee pot. The doorbell rung, and I was quick to open it.

Only to reveal Sarah coming in with Jackson. My dog ran through my legs happily as I scratched him and turned to question Sarah.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Coming to help you with the detective," she answered matter-of-factly.

"Um, okay," I accepted, closing the door and going back to the kitchen.

"Is this done?" Sarah questioned, getting out mugs.

"No, but it shouldn't take too long," I replied.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rung again, and I dashed to the front door. It was Detective Dave. He greeted me with a handshake and we introduced ourselves before I led him to the kitchen. Sarah, the single lady, choked on her coffee when she saw him. He was probably in his early thirties while Sarah was in her late twenties. He had dark black hair and looked attractive.

"Hello, there!" Sarah happily said, sliding over to him.

I rolled my eyes as I made him a cup of coffee and asked him how he liked it.

"Just black is fine."

I slid the mug to him and we both took a seat. He completely ignored Sarah and focused on me. Detective Dave asked plenty of useful questions, which I answered as truthfully as possible. Hopefully he would find the perpetrator and not have me spend all this money on him for nothing.

"Do you have any...suspects?" He asked, looking up from his notepad.

I racked my brain for anybody who would want to kill Autumn. My mind went blank, and I shook my head. Who wanted to kill her? Her dad couldn't because that's his own daughter! Sure he didn't approve of us, but still. That was his one and only child!

"Alright. We're gonna go and get the reports from the autopsy," he explained. "An try to get any leads."

"Okay. Thanks, Detective."

"Just call me Dave," he said before nodding and making his way out. Sarah ran after him, asking for his number.

And, unexpectedly, a certain blonde came into the room. She smiled at me when she saw my confused expression.

"Delta?" I questioned as she hugged me. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. And did you get in trouble or something?" She glanced at the kitchen door.

"No, it was for Autumn."

Delta rolled her eyes and sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would she still be so annoyed about this?

"You need to let her go, Jess."

"No! Because I promised her and I promised myself that I would bring justice to Autumn! Why can't you understand that?!" I exclaimed.

"Jessie, she's been dead for four years. If they can't find who killed her, I don't think there's any hope."

I glared at the blonde and she raised her eyebrows. "You've never met Autumn. You never knew her like I knew her. So you don't understand anything."

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