Remember Me | 3

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A/N: Sorry, but I just got to say that I really like this ship, ya know? I mean, they're both insanely beautiful, so why not?

And somebody had requested for this. I don't think they're still reading, but I made it. Sooo...*shrugs*

Also, I was thinking about an ask book. I mean, it would be cool to answer your questions and you'd get to know me better. It's just a wonder, if you want me to make one, I will. 😉

The next morning, I woke up to the bright sunlight. And a killer headache.

I groaned as I sat up and held my head, catching a glimpse of a sleeping Sarah. Why she let me drink, I'll never know. But it so isn't because I needed to forget about Autumn for one night. No, not at all.

But as I looked around, I realized this wasn't my bedroom. It wasn't even my place. I looked over to Sarah. And didn't recognize the girl. Her hair was blonde.

She started to stir. I panicked and looked under the covers. Completely naked.

I swore loudly and began to redress myself before the stranger could wake up. Oh, what a terrible mistake I've made. It's terrible and stupid and I'll never do it again. I'll never go to another club again, I vowed.

"What happened last night?" The girl groaned, and I froze.

I was just pulling my dress down all the way when I slowly turned towards the blonde woman. She looked rough, but still very beautiful. The blonde looked under the blankets like I did and chuckled. What was so funny?

"Ha. Can't believe I smashed Jessie J," she laughed. "Weird."

"Look, I'm sorry--"

"I'm not."

Wow, she was bold. Which was an extreme turn-on, but there was too much of that last night. All I wanted to do was fix myself and leave her house before the paps come and screw my life up even more.

"Seriously, this was a mistake, and I'm sorry. You know, for everything I've done. I mean, I don't even remember your name--"

"Delta," the blonde woman responded.

"Oh. It's...different. I like it. Well, um, I've gotta go and--"

"Why so soon? Don't you want breakfast, or some painkillers, or at least an explanation of what happened last night?" Delta asked.

"Um, no thank you. Yes, I'd love some. And I could you please explain?"

Delta smirked at me. "Okay...well, you're getting some anyways, they're in the bathroom, and sorry."


"Yeah, sorry. But, I don't remember what happened last night," she shrugged. "I just remembered meeting you, dancing a bit, and a lot of moaning."

I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Oh."

"Yeah. But you wait right here and I'll get some pills."

Then Delta rose right out of bed, and I quickly turned back around. She was so confident in herself, but it wasn't overly confident that made you puke. It was kinda sexy.

Ugh, what am I thinking?! I should be escaping her house and pleading for Autumn to forgive me!

Delta came back, and found me sitting on her bed now. She handed me pills and a glass of water, which I took and thanked. After washing down the pills, I bent down and picked up my phone. Luckily, it had a little charge to it, so I could text Sarah.

Me: Sarah, are you okay?

A few seconds later, she texted back.

Sarah: I'm fine. Going to your place now. You?

Me: I'm at a girl's house

Sarah: CONGRATS! So proud of you, Jess!

"You can look at me now."

Delta was tying a silk robe to her body. She smiled at me before sitting beside me.

"Why are you so worried?" She asked, looking me in the eye.

"I didn't mean for you to be dragged into this. It was just supposed to be fun or whatever."

"I take it you never got drunk before."

Even though it wasn't a question, I shook my head anyways. She rubbed my back soothingly and gave me a reassuring smile. "Everything will be okay, Jessie."

"No, it will not! I've betrayed her!" I blurted.

"Betrayed who?"


A silence filled the room, and I just stared at the ground. It was a bad idea to being up my dead girlfriend, but I just had to.

"Honey, Autumn is in the past. Look, I know you were in love with her and all, but she won't come back. Jessie, you'll have to face it, and I'm sure everybody had told you a dozen times--"

"You don't understand," I angrily said, hopping up. "She was my everything! And she was taken away from me in a matter of minutes! That's the worst thing that's ever happened to me! I lost my happiness, Delta!"

I expected her to look shocked or scared, but she have me an even angrier look. "Alright, so your girlfriend died, big whoop! Lots of people loss their loved ones too, ya know? They were the apples of their eyes too! They were their happiness too! Jessie, you're not the only one who's lost their girlfriend, fiancée, whatever! So stopped acting like a depressed brat and live with it!"

Her face was turning red and she started to pant a little. Nobody has ever talked to me like that. Not even Sarah was that aggressive. It kinda had me angry and I was going to show her who's boss.


I came home around noon, and Sarah was on the couch in the living room. She immediately focused her attention on me as soon as she saw me.

"So? What happened with her?" She asked excitedly, like a teenager asking about their crush.

"I got her number."

Sarah squealed and jumped on me. "I'm so proud of you, Jess! You finally put on your big girl shorts! So, when are you going to meet her again?"

"Never. Because I'm not going out with her."

"WHAT?! Nonononono! Jess, what did I tell you?"

"You never said anything about getting and keeping a girlfriend, Sarah. She was just for fun."

Then I left the living room. Of course Delta wasn't just for fun. She was amazing, beautiful, confident. Sort of like Autumn. But Autumn didn't take me out to clubs and get me drunk or flaunt her naked body around me. Delta was a lot different than Autumn. Which is what I strangely like about her.

This woman told me about her life, her parents living in Australia, and how she came to be here, and how she lost her brother due to a car accident. She actually saw him die, like I watched Autumn die in my arms.

What am I going to do, Autumn?

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