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I'M BAAAAAAAAACK! God, I've missed you guys. Like, wow. I missed updating and seeing your comments. It's been terrible! But, I'm back again, and here to MAKE YOU LOVE ME! Just kidding.

After taking Jessie to the doctor, she still didn't want to go home. So we went back to my apartment, where Sarah still hasn't came back. Since I never gave her a tour because we came at night, Jessie decided to explore. She let out a scream from upstairs, and I immediately ran up there to see what had happened.

Turns out, Jessie just found Simba again. He had been hiding behind the guitar and violin cases, sneakily. I had forgot to warn Jessie about how sneaky he was.

"He's still adorable," Jessie said, watching as he stretched.

All I could do was nod, then watch as Jessie explored my room a little more. Her finger traced the guitar's strings, and I saw a little smile on her face as it made a sound.

"You can play?" She asked.

"Obviously," I joked, going to sit on my bed.

"Could you teach me?"

"Teach you?" I stupidly repeated.

"Yeah. To play."

A smirk found its way on my face when I saw her start to blush. When she saw my smirk, she blushed even harder.

"You know, you're cute when you blush," I found myself saying. I quickly regret saying that, because what if Jessie took it the wrong way? Is it a way to take that wrongly?

Jessie shot me daggers. "Shut up, and teach me."

"Then bring me the instrument!"

Jessie picked up the guitar carefully, and brung it to me. I moved back on the bed, and told her to sit in front of me, still holding the instrument.

"Now put your hands on the neck and the body."

Jessie did as she was told, putting her hands in the correct places. Then I reached around her to put my hand on hers. One of those cliché, electric shocks went through my body at the contact. I ignored it, with great difficulty, and started showing her the names of the strings and how they sound. Then I gave her a little test on the names, and found out she was a fast learner.

I went and got my guitar pick off my desk, then sat back behind her. It was awkward because I had to press my chest into her back. And I didn't want to give her the wrong idea after what happened last night.

"Sorry," I muttered to her as I got myself situated.

"It's okay," Jessie quietly said.

My feelings were making it complicated to do this, but I had to suck it up. Jessie wanted to play guitar, and I'm going to teach her to play.


"I did it!" Jessie exclaimed after she successfully played through a song I had taught her.

"Good job," I congratulated, smiling at her as I placed my guitar back on its stand.

"Thank you, for teaching me. I had fun."

"It's no problem," I responded.

Jessie sat on the bed and fumbled with her hands. She fidgeted, like she wanted to say something. I only sat beside her and watched her. She looked adorable like that.

"Autumn...About last night--"

"I'm sorry," I blurted.

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