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Ella runs out of the room faster than I can blink. She giggles the entire way out before the door slams behind her, leaving an echo. Jake gets comfortable as the four words Christian recorded and played on this TV swirl around in my mind. Only five men have said they loved me. The first, my father who now serves the country. Second, my ugly brother. Their, Johnny, but he basically raped me. Fourth, Spike. . . ugh. Lastly, Asher, my first true love. Now Christian Coma, the man I've been dating for the past four months. . . says he loves me. Love is a big thing.

Love means forever in my book.

I've believed every man that's uttered those words to me. Christian and I have been together for four months, not even half a year. The clip continues to play on rewind. The door bursts open and the remainder of the band struts in.

My Christian walks in last. He's in his favorite pair of black jeans and a shirt with my face on it. My face! My cheeks light up. In his hands is a bundle of red carnations. The symbol of love. My body freezes. Oh my god. . . OH MY GOODNESS. HE LOVES ME.

"Hi," Christian giggles as he clumsily thrusts the flowers into my arms. I stand to catch them. I quietly giggle at the way his arms are shaking and the visible sweat on his hands. This is the cutest man I've ever seen. My stomach flips as Andy winks and ushers the rest of the men out. "D-did you like the clip?"

I nod.

He smiles wider. "Well. . .?" My mouth opens and closes like a damn fish. I feel like a fish. A blue headed, dehydrating, fish potato. He takes a deep breath. "I love you." Again, I stand there. My hands tighten around the beautiful flowers, my gaze drops, and I start to shake. How do I say that I love him back but I don't know if he means it?

The sound of glass breaking snaps be back to reality. My heart breaks as the sight in front of me. Christian's completely red. He continually tosses things across the room before he leaves all together. I drop to my knees, the flowers crushed under my knees. I'm left alone, but all that's on my mind is that I want to say it back.

I love you too.


The bedroom door is broken down. I scream and pull the cover up higher at the crash. A man stands in the doorway, a glass beer bottle in his hand. He comes closer, the moonlight reveals the man who's been missing for the last six hours.

"Christian!" I shout. His red eyes meet mine before his smile becomes a grimace.

"Oh, you're still here." My heart drops at his words. I know how's hurt because of my inability to speak the words he wants, but maybe he should note how I feel! The last person I said those words to died, died, trying to propose to me. "Why are you still here?" His words are slurred but clear enough for me to know he doesn't want me here.

"Christian. . . I sleep here. Come to bed, baby." He suddenly throws the bottle to the wall. I jump at the loud crash. "Christian-."

"Don't call me baby like you care!" He cuts me off. "Get out of my room, you ungrateful whore! I give you everything, a home even! And don't do anything but lie on your back and take my money!" Tears swell in my eyes. I stand on the bed so we're almost eye to eye, as I'm now slightly taller than him.

His grimace falls to a straight face. "You know that's not true CC! Just because I need some time doesn't mean I don't care! Get your ass in bed! It's almost two in the morning." Before I can react I lose my balance and tumble onto the floor, all because a simple push of CC's hand. A crack follows my fall. A mangled cry escapes my throat. The sound of the bed creaking and immediate snorts has another round of tears falling. I pull my phone from the plug and crawl to the closest room.

My fist knocks against the door. Andy answers, turns the hall light on, and gasps. My eyes follow his gaze. My ankle is black and blue, my foot resting oddly. Tears run down my face. He bends down before calling for the bus to head to the hospital. His blue eyes meet mine. "What happened?" My mind spins. If I tell him CC pushed me he'll flip shit.

"I fell."

And this is how I know I am forever in love with Christian Coma.

Bahh sorry for it being so short.

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