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Sorry everything is going a tad fast.

"Deep breathes, Angel, deep breathes. You're eight months pregnant and the doctor said it's possible to go into labor. Christian wouldn't appreciate coming back and seeing his wife in labor."

Sammi bounces the very much awake Liam on her hip as she speaks softly to me. She's been a big help around here. The other girls have come around to decorate for the bands' arrival, but Sammi comes by three times a week to babysit while I sleep. She claims to hate being home alone just as much as me.

She sets my son down and he pulls himself over to his soft blanket. An array of toys are spread around for him to play with.

His shiny brown eyes gaze up at me, a giant smile on his face. "Ma-ma-ma."

My heart flutters whenever he speaks. I squat down to his level. "Hi Liam." He giggles, a trail of saliva falling down the side of his lips. I use my thumb to wipe it away before giving me a kiss on his cheek. He looks away to play again.

Sammi lends me a hand so I can get back on my feet. She smooths down my honey blonde hair before patting my back.

"Your husband isn't going to know what hit him when he sees you again." I look down at the t-shirt dress and the boots. My makeup is done to a T and everything is going smoothly. "God, Angel. I wish I was you. You have a loving husband, the cutest baby on the face of the Earth, a killer body--."

"Woah," I cut her off. "My body has been mutilated. Stretch marks have taken over my hips and my breasts. I might as well grow scales by the rate my body is going." Sammi rolls her eyes. "Whatever. I'm going to go take a seat in the kitchen."

"The couch is literally two feet away!" she yells.

"Yeah, but is there food, that's the question?"


I growl lightly into the phone. "Ella Nicole Sam, I swear to god if you don't get the German chocolate like I asked--."

"Hey," she snaps back immediately. "I've been pregnant before and I get that it sucks towards the end, but don't snap at me. Now, they don't have German--."

"Just fucking get it! What else am I supposed to do? Christian loves it. Go to a different bakery and just hand them my black card."

After another minute of arguing I hang up on her. I gently set the phone down from between my shoulder and ear while whipping the eggs. Christian loves when I make the fluffy scrambled eggs for dinner, so I'm going to bust my ass and make everything I know he loves.

Liam starts screaming and I hesitate, not sure what to do. The front door opens and Juliet and Sarah walks in. Relief floods my body. "Thank god, can one of you feed Liam? His food is on the top shelf of the fridge." Sarah nods and heads to the refrigerator. I give Juliet a sheepish smile. "Did you bring them?"

She holds up three carriers. "It's hard getting three different types of beer the guys haven't tried."

"Okay great, set those over by the cooler. Is the food set up?"

Juliet does what I ask before turning back to face me. "Yes, Angel. Stop stressing, I'm sure that isn't healthy for Braxton, now is it?" My hand falls to the proof of my pregnancy.

My cheeks burn a bright red. The kitchen is hot, my back hurts, and I'm pretty sure my blatter is about to explode, but I don't want anything to go wrong. My hand runs through my hair nervously. Juliet grips my shoulders in an attempt to gain my attention.

"Sit down right here and just watch me." I take a seat at the island chair and watch Juliet finish the cooking.

The two Ellas are in the basement, Juliet is cooking, Sarah is with Liam, and Sammi and getting ready. But when the door to the house unlocks suddenly a baby is shoved into my arms and everyone is standing in a line. The first person in is Christian, since he has a key. His eyes narrow in on me. The squealing and crying is tuned out when I watch my husband just stare at me in awe.

Tears pool in my purple orbs. Liam cryings loudly for his da-da-da. Christian takes the baby from my arms like he's made or china, not able to comprehend how he left Liam being not even as heavy as lunch box, and comes back to a real person. A talking, moving, eating person.

"Oh my god," he breaths to himself. "He's so big, you're so big."

"Woah, woah, woah," I and the band chorus. A hand drops to my hip.

"I'm not big, I'm pregnant dude." A teat slips and I can't help myself. Once Liam is passed to Ashley I neatly jump into his arms. My harsh, disgusting sobs soak his shirt. "You're home."

"I'm home."

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