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Ella Cole is beautiful.

Her hair a gorgeous shade of brown and her figure perfect for one of a model. She's slim and walks with grace.

As soon as Jake spotted her he ran and scooped her up into his arms. They shared a kiss only erotica novelists could imagine. It was far too intimate for me to look at.

She's a sweetheart. Her and Jake are impossible to separate. Is this what everyone else sees when Christian and I are together.

I fall on the couch. Everyone went out except for Christian and I. I honestly feel so sick of drinking until I wake up naked. He's in the kitchen digging for a snack while I sprawl myself on the couch. This week has been great. Now that we've exchanged the love with each other I feel different.

Older. Wiser.

It's nonsense. I am still twenty one, still with the same man. I just feel different. Like I've opened a new chapter in my life. When we said that we loved each other it's like I closed the chapter of my old life and and began a new one here: with my new life. A life full of love and laughter. I have great friends and a wonderful boyfriend.

Angel Black has grown up.

"I found fruit snacks!" I squeal and jump up from the couch. My hands try to snatch the box of grape fruit snacks but he dodges all of my attempts. I start bouncing on the couch, grabby hands swatting at Christian.

"Gimme!" I screech before launching myself on him. We fall backwards and his back hits the door, my head smashing on the ground. Both of us let out simultaneous groans. In his dizzy state he doesn't notice me snatch the box from his hands. "Mwhahahaha! I win!" I rip a small package open and stuff all of the little pieces of heaven into my mouth.

As I swallow my body is jerked and I roll down the hall. Christian, being stupid, tries to grab me but ends up falling head first. My body is stopped by him fall on top of me. His head falls on my stomach. I moan in pain at the feeling of his head knocking into me. All over fruit snacks! Looking up I come face to face with a smirking squirrel-- I mean Christian. His mouth is jam packed with fruit snacks. He put three bags of fruit snacks in his mouth! Unopened. Once I look in the box there are two left.

"Mine." I rip them open and swallow without a second's hesitation. He frowns but tosses the empty box somewhere down the hall. Once all the snacks are gone we stare at each other. "What now?" He scratches the top of his head.

Well this is awkward.

"I come bearing fruit snacks!" Ashley announces once he walks in. Christian and I share a smirk before launching ourselves at Ash.


"You should have seen them! Wolves. They were wolves!" Ashley, over dramatically, explains what happened. Besides the fact we tied his skinny ass to a chair using Andy's belts. . . nothing happened. But he brought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fruit snacks! That's wicked! "As soon as I walked in they attacked. She held a hand over my hand while he grabbed the bag from my hand! She dragged me to a chair and with the help of him they tied me up. I'm traumatized."

My eyes roll. "You're acting like Christian ass fucked you. All we did was grab the fruit snacks." Ash looks at me like I grew another head.

"You held me hostage until Jinxx came back to see me gagged in a chair! My hair is lopsided." Again, my eyes roll. I thrust my thumb in the direction Christian is sitting.

"He is the one that got the idea of fruit snacks in my mind. You came back at the wrong time." Ash stands up and stomps off. I giggle as I fall backwards into my boyfriend's lap. He catches me and places little kisses all over my face. Ella Cole coos loudly.

"Awh! You two are so adorable- a little crazy- but adorable!" She twists her body so she can look at Jake. "Why don't we attack your band members when we're hungry?" He chuckles at his girlfriend and just hugs her. Her eyes roll and she scoffs. She gives me a soft smile as she snuggles into the embrace of Jake Pitts.

Christian pulls me into the kitchen once we stand up. He spins me in a few circles before his face becomes serious. "You know how the band has the interview tomorrow morning?" I nod my head. "Well, every band member gets an individual interview at some point and I was wondering if you'd come on mine with me." I blink a few times.

An interview with my boyfriend that's going to be put on TV? "Sure!" He grins and pulls me into his arms. My legs wrap around his waist, my arms around his neck, and my heart in his hands.

Sorry for the short chapter. I feel like this one is better than the first, yeah? Anyone who read the first version tell me what you think.


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