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"Thank you for having us on today, Miss Vicky!" I giggle as I hug the woman. Just like last time, a year ago, she has her hair in a tight bun on top of her head.

She threads her fingers together once she's comfortable in her seat. "Oh it's my pleasure, darling. It's been a year since I've last seen you. So what's been up?" Christian slips an arm around me, his hand resting on my stomach.

"Obviously we got married, thanks about that by the way, and then we adopted Liam, well that was after finding out about Braxton--."

"Wait," the woman interrupts, a smirk on her face. "Another boy?" I not enthusiastically. She turns her attention to the audience. "You hear that? The Comas are expecting another boy." Heat rushes to my cheeks at the cheers. Vicky turns her attention back to us. "So, Angel, how is it being a mother to two boys only six months apart?"

"Um, it'll be way more difficult once Brax is actually born-- which is supposed to be next week, but right now one is hard. But Christian and I wouldn't have taken in Liam if we couldn't handle it, right?" I look up at Christian. He pecks my lips before shrugging.

"I do whatever she wants me to," he smirks. I playfully slap his shoulder and cross my arms. He pouts like the child he is, trying to get me to talk to him. "You know you love me, Angel Coma."

The entire place is quiet.

"Yeah, whatever, love you Christian Coma."

"How freaking cute!" Vicky grins. She rubs her hands together. "I don't think I ever get anything as cute as you guys on the show-- no offense Andy and Juliet." I burst into a fit of giggles just thinking of Andy with a frown on his handsome face.

"So here are some questions from fans."


The dark engulfs me as I try to fall asleep. Braxton keeps shifting and I can't get comfortable. Sitting up hurts, lying down feels like he's sitting right on my blatter, and my side feels like I have a bowling ball inside of me.

"Stop moving, baby," Christian croaks. His head searched for me in a sleepy motion. "C'mere." I move closer to him so he can hold me.

The flash of pain from earlier ripples through me. My hands fall to my stomach again. To say I didn't name Braxton because of these braxton hicks contractions would be a lie. Christian groans loudly.

"God damnit, Angel. Don't tell me you fucking pissed the bed," he nearly growls. The lights are turned on and he freezes at the expression on my face. My nose is scrunched in pain at the realization this isn't just a braxton hicks contraction. I breath deeply once the sudden pain diminishes. "Angel--?"

"Oh my god, Christian, my water broke." It doesn't seem to register in his head. I grip his hand with a soothing smile. "Baby, Brax is coming." It seems like his stomach falls out of his ass because he jumps so high his head almost hit the ceiling.

"Are you in any pain? God damnit, I'm sorry for yelling. What the hell do I do?" With a hand on my stomach I pull myself off the bed. I pull on a pair of shorts and slip a tank top on. The clock reads ten after three AM.

Like instinct I grab the two bags; Liam's baby bag and the hospital bag. Christian watches from the bed. "Move CC. Move. Get the baby, start the car. Let's go." It's been a good five minutes since my last contraction, so that's good.

I dial Ella Sam first. She answers on the third ring. "You better be dying right now."

I giggle a little. "Well, I'm sorry damn. I guess I'll tell you I'm in labor later." As I go to hangup she screams so loud I'm pretty sure Justin is woken up.

"Labor?" she screams. "Garrett, get the fuck up-- no, I'm fine-- ew, you sicko keep your hands to yourself-- Angel is in labor." She hangs up shortly after fighting her lover's passion off.

The rest of our friends do basically the same thing-- scream, ask what hospital, and yell from some else to tell.

Ten minutes later a second contraction hits me like a truck. Christian pulls the car from the garage, Liam still sleeping, and I sit down immediately. Sweat starts to form on my forehead as another contraction hits fast, like the flash.

Christian pulls one of my hands into his. "You'll be okay, don't worry." I giggle and press a kiss to his hand.

"Are you talking to me or yourself?" He sends a glare my way but continues his speeding to the hospital.

Three contractions later we arrive and I'm put into private room. Christian and Liam sleep beside my bed. The doctor walks in.

"Hello again, Angel," he greets. "Let's check how dilated you are." A minute after going down he comes back up. "Five centimeters, half way there." My hands clutch the arm rest as an excruciating contraction runs through me. He checks again, just for shits and giggles. "Six now, good job."

He leaves me alone with a sleeping husband and a sleeping baby. Ella Cole struts in with a half asleep Jake. He yawns but greets me with a kiss to the cheek.

Ella grips my hand. "God, you look great for a woman in labor."

"Thank you, I'm glad I don't look like a lunatic yet." We share a laugh before she's escorted out by the doctor, him claiming I need rest before the intense part.

Pushing him out.

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