06//Not a Rabbit

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The first thing Crystal saw when she arrived at School on Monday, was the fact that around six police cars were surrounding a bus in the parking lot. She got out of her car, her eager mind compelling her to walk towards the scene. She did so, just stopping at the 'CRIME SCENE' barrier. What she saw was both horrifying, and intriguing. Horrifying because the back of the buss door was more or less ripped off its hinges with blood coating the inside and outside of the bus; and intriguing because she wanted to find out more. Noticing Scott and Stiles walking out of the school entrance, pure horror etched across their faces; the teenager slowly walked up to them, Stiles noticing her first. All of his thoughts regarding his best friend and a certain tall brunette suddenly vanished as Crystal approached, a confused expression on her face. In a panic, Scott turned on his heel and headed for the school doors, searching for the Argent he hoped was okay. Stiles stayed in his place.

"What do you think happened?" Crystal asked Stiles, who was glancing between the horror show in front of him and the brunette.

"Uh, p-probably a mountain lion or something." He lied. He didn't want to believe his best friend mauled his girlfriend the night prior, but couldn't help it when the idea crossed his mind, it was too much of a coincidence.

Crystal was now standing beside the boy in plaid. And crystal internally chuckled, glancing between her own plaid shirt and his.

"Shouldn't you be going after Scott? I mean he just took off." She pointed towards the door, the sound of her voice pulling Stiles out of his inner thoughts as he turned towards the girl in plaid. He did a double take, causing a small smile to appear on his face. Crystal noticed.

"What?" She crossed her arms across her chest, looking at the boy expectantly. He shook his head rapidly.

"Wha- oh, nothing. C'mon let's look for Scott." He whisked past her, walking through the door in search for his werewolf buddy. He was at least seven or eight inches taller than the girl, so she had to jog to keep up with him.

"What's wrong with him? He seems kinda, ya know, off?" She suggested, catching up to the boy. He slowed down his pace so the brunette could keep up. He looked down at her.

"Who Scott? Wha- no he, he's fine. I think." The last part he muttered to himself. The brunette noticed the boy in question down the hall, talking to Allison, relief etched on his face. This only made the girl confused but shrugged it off as Stiles stopped and noticed the pair.

"Found him," Stiles said, he turned towards the petite brunette to see her smirking towards Jackson, who was attempting to struggle with his locker that had a huge dent in it. Jackson glanced at her.

"What the hell are you looking at Thomson?" He glared. She scoffed and Stiles grinned widely, she shrugged then grabbed Stiles by the arm, dragging him down the hall to first period.

"Serves you right, jackass." She muttered under her breathe, not quiet enough for Stiles to hear though. The voice of their principal boomed through a speaker.

"Attention students this is your principal, I know you are all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses, but while the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled, thank you."

Crystal groaned and slammed her hand against her head.

"Could this day get any worse!" She screamed, Stiles sighed, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

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