16//Effects of a Full Moon

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"Beautiful Monday morning, Beacon Hills high school is open after being closed Thursday and Friday; police search continues for alleged killer Derek Hale-"

Crystal slammed her hand down full force on to the radio beside her bed and groaned loudly, shoving her face deep in her pillow. The door to the brunettes room creaked open and footsteps were heard, causing the Thomson girl to throw her comforter over her face.

"Criss, are you sure you wanna go back to school? I mean you did almost get murdered, which I'm still freaked out at by the way." Jenna walked over and sat beside Crystal on her bed.

"I have to go back, I'm not gonna be one of those sappy teenage girls who stays in their room acting like their world has just turned upside down after a traumatic experience; which wasn't a big deal by the way." Crystal finished her rant and threw her covers away, sitting up. Jenna just furrowed her eyebrows, a chuckle escaping her lips.

"Well... Okay then. And yes it is a big deal, Criss. Getting a call from the Sheriff on Wednesday night telling me that my niece was almost murdered by Derek Hale is a very very big deal!" Jenna exclaimed, her eyes widening as her voice got louder with each word.

"Well I wasn't, okay? So it's fine, I'm fine." Crystal got up and walked towards her bathroom.

"Are you?" Jenna's question caught the brunette girl off guard as she halted to a stop.

Was she okay?

That's the million dollar question.

Crystal turned around and gave her aunt a half-hearted smile. The smile wasn't for her Aunt, it was for herself. If she wanted to be okay; she had to start convincing herself that she would be okay.

With that thought in mind, the girl answered.

"Yeah, I'm fine."


When Crystal arrived at school, she couldn't help but notice the huge red SUV parked only a few yards away from her own black Mustang. The small brunette walked over to the car, just in time to see Allison getting out of it.

"Hey." Crystal approached the tall brunette who smiled in response.

"Hey Criss." Allison chirped.

Crystal glanced to her right, catching eye contact with the she-devil herself. Kate Argent.

The teenager cocked her head to the side and waved sweetly, smirking at the older woman who had her eyes narrowed in the small girl.

However, she turned around and grabbed Allison's arm; avoiding the blonde's piercing gaze.

"How are you gonna handle today? I mean with Scott." Crystal mentioned as the two brunettes climbed the school stairs.

Allison sighed and shrugged, "I have no clue, I just want to avoid him. I can't face him today." Allison announced as the two opened the doors of the building.

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