35//Restraining Order

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It was eerily quiet at the Sheriff's station when Scott, Stiles and Crystal walked through the front doors. Crystal had a firm grip on Stiles' hand, letting him know that she was there to support him. He squeezed her hand once he asked one of the deputies to let them through the doors that led to Mr. Stilinski's office.

Stiles paused and turned to look at his best friend and girlfriend, who both nodded, silently telling him that it was okay and that they were there for him. Stiles turned and led them through the doors, but what caused them to stop in their tracks once they reached the Sheriff's office, was none other than Jackson Whittemore wrapped up in a deputies jacket, and his father Mr. Whittemore.

Crystal's jaw dropped as soon as her eyes landed on them, and Mr. Stilinski popped out from behind a wall.

"Scott, Criss, Stiles. Perfect timing. Have you met Jackson's father? Mr. David Whittemore," The Sheriff began, folding his arms across his chest. "esquire."

Crystal froze at that. Damn, it looks like they in fact were getting their asses prosecuted all the way to jail. Just to make things worse, Jackson leaned forward with a smirk on his face.

"That means lawyer."

Crystal shot him a sarcastic smile, not being able to hold her tongue any longer. "Thanks for clarifying."


Mr. Stilisnki allowed the three teenagers to make a quick phone call while they waited for Melissa and Jenna to arrive. Crystal felt horrible, she knew that she was going to get a shit storm as soon as she has a moment alone with Jenna. She pushed those thoughts aside as she stared at her phone that lay on an empty desk, Allison's name displayed on the screen. She was trying to process the fact that Morell had gotten it all wrong. Someone isn't protecting Jackson, someone's controlling him. Great, now Jackson was someone's little bitch, and until they find out who that someone is, Crystal was going to put on her detective hat and do a little spying. By spying she really means sitting in the hallway in school narrowing her eyes at people as they walked by. Now, she would agree that everyone's a suspect. Especially Greenberg.

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing then he probably doesn't know that someone's controlling him." Allison spoke through the loudspeaker, bringing Crystal out of her thoughts.

"Or he doesn't remember." Scott said.

"What if it's the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off in the hospital?" Stiles suggested.

Crystal furrowed her eyebrows. "A fugue state."

"He'd have to forget everything, the murder..." Scot began.

"Getting rid of the blood." Allison chimed in.

"It helped with one thing though, the video. Someone else helped him forget that." Said Stiles.

"Whoever's controlling him." Crystal stated with a nod.

"Are you sure Jackson has no clue about any of this?" Allison asked, which was actually a good question, Crystal thought. There's a possibility that he could remember everything he's done, and that maybe its stored away in his subconscious or something.

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