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Crystal entered through the glass doors of the Animal Clinic, greeted by the clanging of a bell as she pushed them open. Just as the door behind her swung shut, Dr. Deaton emerged from the back room, a welcoming smile on his face.

"I'm glad to see you got my text message, follow me." Was all the dark skinned veterinarian said. Crystal obeyed and followed him through to a smaller room, with a large metal table in the middle of the room; an unconscious Scott laying on top with a large bandage wrapped around his lower abdomen with blood seeping through.

"Yeah... How did you get my number anyway?" The short girl asked as she walked over towards the table that her newly found best friend was lying on top of.

She had received a text message from an unknown number, which she later found out to be Deaton; telling her that Derek had been targeted by the Argent's the previous night, and it just so happened that Scott and Jackson where there; although Jackson somehow got out untouched and Scott was shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet. A lot to digest in one text message.

Deaton just smiled. "I believe I've said before, Crystal. Everybody knows everybody in Beacon Hills."

The girl, narrowed her eyes slightly and cocked her head to one side, studying the dark-skinned man. "Yeah, I remember you said that."

The man went back to checking Scott's pulse as Crystal stood there, a frown evident on her delicate features. "Why did you really call me?"

The veterinarian stopped examining her wounded best friend and turned to face her. "Your smarter than I thought."

Crystal couldn't help but shudder at the words slightly, remembering her conversation with Peter the previous night. She couldn't help but wonder what the psychotic middle-aged alpha was doing at that moment. Stalking sixteen year old girls? Helping old ladies across the road?

The point is he's a creepy weirdo.

She merely nodded. Although, something occurred to her. "You said you knew my mother?"

"I did." Deaton confirmed with the nod of his head. Crystal pursed her lips and ran over in her head the next question she was going to ask, not wanting to come across as desperate.

Eventually she just sighed and licked her lips. "How-- how did you know her?"

There was a few minutes silence before the dark-skinned veterinarian smiled softly. "I used to work with her, she was a veterinarian like me, however she was much more advanced. I learned a lot from Clarissa. She was a very smart woman. Such a shame that she passed at such a young age," Deaton then took a quick glance away, swallowing hard before looking back at the girl hesitantly.

"You remind me of her."

Crystal felt a lump forming in her throat at the man's words. It was somewhat reassuring hearing Deaton talk about her mother in such a positive way. However, she couldn't help but feel annoyed that she never knew her mother. She couldn't blame anyone in particular for the death of her mother, of course it being natural causes, but she couldn't help but feel annoyed with herself.

Washing away those thoughts, Crystal gave Deaton a half-hearted smile.

The sound of gasping caused both Deaton and Crystal to whip their heads around to face Scott, who was sitting up on the metal lab table. Crystal rushed to his side and steadied him as he got to his feet. "Hey, you okay? How are you feeling?"

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