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After the confrontation with Mr. Argent and his brute guard dogs, Stiles, Criss and Jackson managed to walk away from the hunters without any bruises; and all piled in to the aforementioned blond boy's Porsche and set off for the School. Crystal decided that she was going to pick up her car from the parking lot and make her own way to the Hale house; and after ten minutes of Stiles complaining and telling her not to go, he eventually agreed. Not after he told her to be careful about twenty times, of course.

So that's how Crystal found herself at the entrance of the preserve now, the Hale house coming in to view as she stepped over logs and twigs. The dry, Autumn leaves crunched under her heel-clad feet as she came in to the clearing of the tree's, seeing Derek, Allison and Scott lying on the ground. What surprised her was Kate Argent pointing a gun at Scott's head, but what really caught her off guard was Mr. Argent pointing  a very large looking gun at his own sister, Kate.

He pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting the tree behind his sister. Crystal jumped and covered her mouth.

"Put the gun down, before I put you down."

Silence. Silence was all that filled everyone's ears as Kate lowered her gun. Crystal cursed silently to herself as she stepped on a branch, alerting everyone else that someone was there, and hiding. She placed herself behind a tree, not really wanting to get shot; but she spoke, or thought, too soon as she heard the firing of a gun, as the bullet hit the tree she was hiding behind.

Crystal jumped back in fear, a scream leaving her lips as she covered her mouth.

"Come on out sweetheart, I won't bite." The voice of Kate echoed throughout the woods as the teenage girl swallowed the lump in her throat, stepping out from behind the rather large tree with her hands in the air.

Scott's eyes widened, as did Allison's.

"Criss? What are you doing here? It's dangerous you have to go!" Screeched Allison as she stood up from her position on the floor.

Crystal shook her head, "Allison, believe it or not, but I know a lot more than you think."

This earned a confused look from Allison and an annoyed smirk from Kate. "Well, this just got a lot more interesting."

Scott, whom had been staring with wide eyes, said, "Criss, what are you doing here? Your gonna get hurt!"

Crystal shook her head, glancing between the gun that was still pointed at her and Scott. "I don't care, I came here to help you, Scott," she then took another glance at Kate, "is there any reason you still have that gun pointed at me?"

"Kate, put the gun down." Mr. Argent said, surprising Crystal. The girl still hated Mr. Argent, but at least he wasn't willing to let her die.

"How do we know she's not one of them?" Stated Kate, not lowering her gun as she eyed Crystal suspiciously.

Scoffing, Crystal rolled her eyes, "because if I was, I would have ripped your head off by now. And to be quite honest, I don't know why anyone hasn't."

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