26//Only The Beginning

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The white painted walls of the hospital stared back at Crystal as she sat in the waiting room; nervously fiddling with the hem of her shirt and continuously biting her chapped lip. The smell of medicine, elderly people and cleaning products filled her nostrils as she rubbed at her temples, warding off the headache that was trying to take over. Twenty-three hours. Twenty-three hours that the fifteen year old had went without sleep, food or water. The blue plastic chairs of the waiting room dug painfully into the girls hip as she tried to find a comfortable position, but to no avail; she couldn't. The clock on the wall ticked by, teasing the girl's patience as it was nearing half three in the morning. Tears threatened to escape the fifteen year old girl's hazel eyes as she glanced down the narrow hallway, nurses and doctors continuously walking in and out of the room that held her extremely unwell father.

"Ms. Thomson?"

Crystal snapped her head in the direction of the deep, tired voice to see who she presumed to be the Doctor. His blue eyes were rimmed with dark circles. She nodded her head in confirmation and sat up completely in her chair.

"The news isn't good. The cancer... Is taking a toll on his body. As you know this specific kind of cancer affects white blood cells which help fight of infection; I'm afraid to say that the cancer is killing them off rapidly and he's getting really unwell. I'm so sorry for the news, but there's nothing we can do. I'd suggest chemotherapy but at this stage, it's not an option."

Hearing these words was like someone punched the teenage girl repeatedly in the gut. Hell, even felt like someone had beaten her to the point of death with a baseball bat. She nodded wordlessly, swallowing down the lump in her throat as she choked on her next words.

"C-can I see him?"

The doctor smiled softly and nodded, escorting her down the pale hallway. She closed her eyes, wishing that she could wake up and this would all be a huge nightmare; however when she opened her eyes, she was faced with the door to her fathers room. The brunette thanked the doctor and opened the door, biting on her trembling lip.

Her father, who was once a built man, now lay in the hospital bed; looking like the life had been sucked out of him. She built up the courage to walk over to him, and once she did, she grasped his hand.

"Hi dad..."

Knowing she wouldn't get a reply, she sighed.

"The doctor said-- he said that its not looking so good. But we can't lose hope, am I right?" Her head started to throb as the beeping of the machine began to go slower. She gripped his hand tighter.

"So, I got an A on my maths test the other day. I guess that's the only good thing going for me right now. It's not like it's going to change anything, I've failed every other test except for chemistry." She cracked a smile, staring at her father, who's eyes remained shut. His breathing slow.

"I-I talked to Aunt Jenna. She said that she's going to come see you on Saturday... That's good, right?"

Crystal took a deep breath, taking a seat beside her father on his bed. She placed a hand on his cheek, a soft smile appearing on her face. "Life is a cruel thing, huh? It's not fair. You don't deserve this. You never deserved this. I-I just wish that-- that I could do something, I hate being like this, I'm so weak. I don't want to be like this. I don't want to feel like this. Please dad-- please don't go... I need you. I can't do this without you."

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