Chapter 4

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Ayesha woke up to knocking on her door. Ayesha rubbed her eyes gently. She pulled the covers back and stood up. She grabbed her robe before she opened the door, to find out that the maid was knocking on her door.

"Yes," Ayesha mumbled who was still tired.

"A hiril vuin (hi my lady), I was tolled by your father to have you up in time, for breakfast with the king." explained the maid.

"Oh okay, thank you for letting me know," Ayesha said.

The maid smiled at Ayesha and walked out of the room. The maid was surprised that Ayesha treated her with kindness because usually she wasn't treated that way. Ayesha opened the porch doors to let the fresh morning air flow through. She hung up her robe on the hook. Ayesha changed into a black dress, with a brown belt around her waist, with her hair in a fish tail braid. Ayesha made sure everything was neat in her room before she left for breakfast.

Ayesha walked into the dinning room. She saw her father and the king talking to each other. She took the same seat that she had last night at dinner. She did not want to feel like she did at the dinner table, so she remained quiet.

"How did you sleep?" Thranduil asked.

"Very well hir vuin (my lord)," Ayesha replied.

"Please hiril vuin (my lady), call me Thranduil," Thranduil said.

Ayesha nodded her head and continued eating her breakfast.

When breakfast was over, Ayesha's father left with an elf to tend to some business. Thranduil carried on to the garden, where he would find Ayesha reading her book. She was sitting straight up on the bench, as she read her book. Thranduil paused a few feet away from the bench, so he could look at her. Then he carried on walking.

"Reading I see," Thranduil said with a smile.

Ayesha looked up when she heard Thranduil speak to her. "Yes," Ayesha said.

"Would you care to join me for a walk?" Thranduil asked.

"I would be honored," Ayesha answered.

She stood up from the bench, marking her place in the book. She walked with Thranduil throughout the garden, on his right side. They admired the garden and the beauty it showed. They walked for an hour until Thranduil had to tend to some business. Ayesha went to her room, where she placed her book on the dresser and grabbed her bow and arrow.

She went to the open area, where elvan guards were practicing their combat skills. She walked away from the commotion, toward the targets. She took the bow out of its holster and drew one arrow. She took her stance, lined up the arrow with the target, and fired. The arrow hit the target dead in the center. She drew the arrows quicker and quicker, firing them into the target. When she ran out of arrows, she switches to fighting a manikin with her sabers. She eventually caught many of the soldier's attention. They wanted to learn what she was doing, so she joined them in their training.

Thranduil was with one of his most trusted and highly ranked guards. They were coming to the soldier's training. Thranduil was the only one smiling because Ayesha was practice fighting with the soldiers and she was winning. The guard was shocked and not pleased, but Thranduil couldn't stop smiling and laughing.

"I am so sorry my lord." said the guard.

"No, it is quite alright," Thranduil replied. 

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