Empty Halls

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Bee ~

A few more months, and I'll be gone.

The wait seems to be painful, but I know it will be worth it. Kansas has always been too small to fit my big dreams.

Their were few high points and many low points. And I would be lying if I said I didn't want something more out of this place. Seriously, anything.

I'm begging for a reason to smile. I'm sick of being stuck inside of a shell. Being shy has ruined me.

For example, I'm walking through the halls, a highschool full of students. And I feel alone.

I try to be normal. I try to laugh, but even I can tell it's fake.

I make my way over to a secluded bench and look out into the hall.

Watching my class talking and laughing, I grow a deep pain of anger and sadness.

What's so wrong with me to cause all of these students to ignore me.

Am I really that weird?

I'm almost certain my shyness and blank face keep them away.

As I look forward, my breath hitches in my throat, my stomach does flips and my head begins to spin.

Colby Brock. He wasn't "popular" or anything. I mean he has a friend Sam that is always with him, but not many other friends.

I've liked him since we were in 7th grade. And now look. I'm a senior in highschool and I'm still obsessed with him.

How could I not be though. I can just tell we are alot alike.

He keeps to himself. But he almost always has a smile on his face. But what I love the most is his eyes.

We fortunately have the same schedule. And we sometimes make eye contact. His eyes give me a feeling, like a nostalgic feeling...

There is something there... His blue eyes Peirce into my soul and completely search throughout all of my thoughts.

I am always so shy when we would talk here and there... But when we connect eyes... The world disappears. And it's just us... Searching through each others emotions.

My thoughts are interrupted by the Bell and I make my way to the stairs... Colby and Sam walking right behind me.


I know its kinda boring now but.I hope it gets better.

This is for you bee!!

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