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I woke up the next morning to the following text from my aunt...

Aunt: bee, I haven't heard from you in a really long time. It's not okay for you to show up late at night after being gone for three months... Either stay here or leave. Your cousin John has to move back in and if this room we supplied you with is of no service to you... Please come get your things. I love you.

I was taken back by the words. I felt bad that John had to come back... I guess that means he finally got kicked out of the university becouse his grades were so horrible...

"Colby, can we talk later? It's really important." I say beginning to get ready.

"Why can't we talk now?" He asks rubbing his eyes.

"I'm going to the coffee shop. We talked about this yesterday." My toungue itched to lash out on Colby for being so forgetful. I bit my tongue to prevent my words from starting another argument.

"I guess." He says laying his head back on the pillow.

And I immediately gasped.

"Are you fucking kidding me Colby?" I scream after pulling a shirt over my head.

"What?" He asks in an annoyed voice.

"Aren't you gonna do something today? You haven't even left the damn house in a week." I say placing my hand on my hip.

I'm not sure why but I was so irritated and I couldn't help but take it out on the lazy boy in front of me.

"What is going on?!" He says sitting up giving me a confused look.

"I fucking clean for you I cook for you and you just sit there! It would be nice to see you doing something productive!"

"I never asked for you to do those things." He said crossing his arms.

I mimic him and give him a smug look.

"I don't even get a thank you half the time!"

"Well you know what? There's a fucking door bee, you can go if you'd like!" I shook my head and begin picking up my stuff.

When I gathered my little belongings I looked at Colby.

"Maybe try a new hobby or something other than sleeping... Then you can call me." I rolled my eyes as Colby searched for something to say.

"Bye." And that was it.

I walked out of colbys house and made my way to my aunts to apologize and hopefully have somewhere to stay still... If John needs the room I guess I can call Katie.

"Hello?" I hear chase say into the phone.

"Hey,im sorry I can't make it today... I had a fight with Colby and I just need to clear my head." I say to him.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah it was a stupid fight I'll call you later."

I turned the corner onto my aunts Street and sighed loudly.

I fucking hate conflict....



So I hoped you enjoyed this!

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