cry baby

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I woke up to my alarm and rubbed my eyes.

6:30 am

I had a couple hours till school, so I made my way to my bathroom to take a quick shower.

I let the warm water wake me up.

Half an hour later, when I was through with my shoer I walked into my room with a towel around my small frame.

I chose to wear black skinny jeans, and a red and black flannel, over a band tee.

I went back into my bathroom and blow dryed my hair, deciding to let my long blonde hair to hang down my shoulders.

I was already, and I decided to go into the kitchen to get some breakfast, and then I got a ride to school in the bus.


I walked through the halls. Alone.

I couldn't help but think of yesterday when me and Colby kinda had a moment in English.

Just as I started to replay the moment in my head, I hit into a strong chest.

I look up slowly at the towering figure.

"I'm sorry." I say but before I could scamper off, I'm pulled back into the boy with green eyes chest again.

"My pleasure. " he started laughing genuinely, and I awkwardly giggle.

"I'm chase." He says flashing his perfect smile.

"I'm Bee." I say as sweetly as possible.

"Oh! Yes! We have first together." He says with a small smile.

I nod finally recognizing him.

Damn he is tall. Like 6'2

I must look like a midget to him, me standing at 5 feet 3 inches off the ground.

But I didn't feel intimidated. I felt comfortable.

"Wanna walk with me?" Chase asks as the Bell sounds.

I smile, a little taken back at his offer.

"Of course." And we were off to first.


Around 7th period (math) I had only thought of Colby at least five times. And I think that's an improvement considering I normally can't get him out of my head.

I walk into class, early of course.

I sit in my normal spot, in the back of the room.

A few minutes later Colby walks in.

But a frown was in place of his usual cheeky smile.

My breathing gets heavier as he walks closer to my seat.

He stands next to the desk right next to mine.

"Can I sit here?" He asks.

I nod, not being able to speak.

I watch as he sits down.

He immediately adjusts his beanie and covers his face with his hoodie.

I close my eyes and try to force myself to say something. Anything.

"Are you okay?" I say in a rush.

I'm such an idiot.

He pulls his head out of his hoodie and gives me a fake smile, but within a few seconds of us staring at each other a real smile grows on his face.

He scooches his desk so that its right next to mine.

I mean he literally combined our desks. What the hell.

I smile and he leans closer to my face so I could hear him over the teens now filling the class.

"Being with you now... Of course I'm okay." I felt tears brim my eyes.

"Really?" I ask, a tear slipped into my cheek.


He wiped the tear swiftly with his thumb.

He pouted out his bottom lip and nodded.

"Okay class..." My teacher begins causing Colby to divert his attention to him.

But I'm frozen. Am I dreaming?? What even is this life. And why did I cry oh my god that's so embarrassing...

Colby.... Is it possible he likes me?


Does this suck as bad as I think it does.

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