Not tonight..

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"Ah!" I scream as I sit up frantically.

I look down at my hospital gown, then look up.

Colby, Katie, Sam and Jake were surrounding me.

"Bee are you okay?"

I continue to look between the four... who were all still in their wedding attire.

"What happened?" I ask sitting up and immediately clenching my head in pain.

"After the wedding ceremony, we were dancing in the rain... you slipped in the wet grass and hit your head on the curb... you were completely unconscious...I was scared to death, bee."

Colby says before he kisses my lips slowly.

"So we did get married..." Colby smiles and everyone nods happily.

Was the whole Colby and Katie cheating just a horrible nightmare?

I lay down and let the relief roll off of my body.

Colby grabbed my hand.

I look at Katie and feel a ton of anger.

I had to ask if it was just a dream... I have to.

"So you and Katie didn't have sex?" I blurt out and Sam chokes on his water.

"What!" He asks his eyes wide.

Jake looks confused and in shock.. well they all did.

I hear someone clear their throat and we all look at the doctor standing with a clipboard.

"Bee, I don't know what your husband has told you yet, but you were unconscious for approximately 8 hours." My eyes open wide.

"You only stayed in that state, becouse it seemed you were having an anxiety attack whilst you were unconscious... that was actually very dangerous and of course you had no control over that. But... have you had a history of anxiety? Or even brain trauma?"

Me and Jake look at eachother immediately... remembering when I was around 5 and he was a preteen.

My mom had just gotten drunk and she had thrown a vase at my head. It knocked me out cold... I had stitches.

Jake explains to the doctor what happened.

Colby, Sam and Katie were completely in shock.

Colby knew about my mother being abusive... I just never told him specific stories.

As for Katie and Sam... they never knew I don't think.

Their faces were priceless.

Colby leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"We will have you stay over night just to be sure... but you are fine as of right now." The doctor smiled and walked away.


Three hours later.

I was sitting in my hospital bed. Colby was asleep on the chair next to me.

It makes sense now.

I remember seeing Sam, Katie and Jake looking angry and scared when they ran out of the chapel.

Sam told me that he was mad at Katie becouse she had the keys to Colby's car and they were all rushing to get me to the hospital, and Jake was trying to calm them.

Colby was crying becouse he was scared... and his purity ring was in the cup holder becouse he had to take it off to where his wedding ring.

And the bra must have been just a weird memory that I interpreted into the whole nightmare... and the whole ring shopping incident idea came from me just being territorial and jealous... becouse I love Colby.

The relief I felt was tremendous...

I look over at Colby.

Tonight would have been the night we lost our virginities...

"Colby!" I whisper scream, and he wakes up.

"Are you okay?!" He says standing quickly.

"Yes, everything is fine." I giggle

"Just lay with me." I say as I scoot over and he lays beside me.

"Are you upset Colby?" I ask.

Almost as if he could read my thoughts, he answered "Tomorrow night... be patient." He says laughing.

I smile.

"I love you." He whispers.

I sigh.

"I love you too."

And then it hit me.

I'm laying next to my husband... and my last name is Brock.

My smile had never been brighter.

Hope you all don't hate me now 😉
- Maddie

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