The end?

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It felt like a movie... everything went in slow motion, the second we left the chapel, rain was pouring.

Colby's smile was the only thing I would see for the next ten minutes as we walk out to the car. Dancing in the rain, the whole way there.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

It was different looking at him. It was better.

This is my husband.

"I fucking love you!" He screams when we get in the car.

"I love you more!" I yell back.

We sit there listening to the rain hit the Windows as I held his hand in mine.

"Bee." The way he said my name was unsettling... almost eerie.

I look up slowly, hoping he has a smile on his face... but he didn't. And I wasn't over thinking.

His lip was quivering... his hand shook as he rubbed his face up and down.

I try and change the subject.

"Katie seemed off today." I laugh a little. Trying to ease the tension.

"I tried to talk to her after the ceremony but... she just said she had to leave and left." I smile at my lap.

"Maybe her and Sam had a fight." When the words left my mouth I look out the window.

I watched Sam run out of the building his face red and... broken.

I sit up in my seat as I watch Katie run out, black tears running down her face.

I was even more concerned when I saw Jake chase after them.

They all huddled outside the chapel.

Sam was yelling at Katie.

And Jake was trying to calm them down.

I raise a hand to my mouth.

"Colby!" I say facing him.

When he sees them all he slams his foot on the gas.

"Fuck!" I exclaim as the momentum threw me into the back of my seat.

Colby kept driving. Tears racing down his face... anger and fear placed in his eyes.

My thoughts were all in a blur.

It was then that I noticed Colby's purity ring was taken off.

I pull my hand away from his quickly.

Flashes of him begging me to put off the wedding a little while, so we can have it in LA, nag at me.

Katie insisting on her going alone with Colby to shop for rings.

Katie ignoring my smiles and my attempt to speak with her.

Sam looking heart broken.

Jake's glares at Colby throughout the whole ceremony.

Then everything clicked.

My chest was rising up and down.

My eyes as wide as I could open them.

My hands were shaking.

"STOP THE FUCKING CAR!" I scream as Colby pulls onto an abandoned road.

Something black and shiny caught my eye.

His purity ring was in the cup holder.

I shake my head.

"NO! NO! NO!" I repeated over and over and over again as Colby's cries became louder.

It took every single bit of strength I had to look at him.

"NO!" I screamed as my heart cracked even more.

It was then that something in his backseat came into my view.

I looked quickly.

Then turned back to Colby, my mouth wide open and my eyes welling up with even more tears.

"Does this bra look okay?" Katie asks.

I scream loudly as I grab Katie's bra in the back seat.

I clenched it in my fist as I glared at Colby.

I was livid.

"I- I can explain!" He whispered.

"EXPLAIN! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED COLBY!! " I begin tearing the Bra's seams, viciously destroying it.

Colby watched as I completely broke down.

"Why." I sob loudly.

"WHY!" I scream causing him to jump.

I look down at my ring. Despising it with every ounce of my heart.

"Just say it." My voice wasn't my voice anymore. It was replaced with a croaky, cried out ... broken...voice.

"It happened after we picked a ring... it was a mistake!" He says crying harder than I have ever heard him before.

I felt my heart fall, and shatter in the pit of my stomach.

I pull the ring off my finger while he pleads for me to put it back on.

"Please baby... please!! Your all I have!"

His voice was muffled... and my face was glued on the road in front of me.

"Please forgive me bee."

I couldn't even bring myself to look at him.

"I hate you." I managed to say before I stepped out into the rain.

I turn and finally face him.

I laid the ring on the seat and slammed the door shut.




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