Crossed Paths

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I walked on the street as cold air continuously hit my face.

I was making my way toward the train... Ive seen in movies before where people have jumped into an empty cart and the train took them to a city some where... I know it sounds stupid. But in a way I don't care. I don't care about anything... Except Colby.

I walk faster and wince in pain. I don't want to leave without Colby. The thought that I may never see him again scares me. Every time I think of him I feel an ache in my chest.

I see the train in sight and a genuine smile appears on my face. But the smile is immediately replaced by a worried expression as I see steam coming from the head if the train, and I can hear the loud engine coming to life.

I instantly let my legs began to run. My fast pace caused me to slip in some ice, and I slide all the way down the hill towards the tracks.

I rolled myself off the ice quickly, before I got any nearer to the train that was about to take off.

Standing, I wipe all the snow off my jeans.


My heart fluttered and I instantly knew who it was.

I look up and connect my eyes with colbys.

His blue eyes were filled with tears and his face was stained with fallen tears.

I run toward him, immediately wrapping my arms around him.

He joins the hug but soon pulls away and looks at me.

"What are you doing here... With a suitcase?" He asks me.

I'm hesitant to answer, but I honestly don't care anymore.

"I'm running away... I'm getting out if Kansas Colby. I can't stay, I just... I can't!" By now I hear the train start to slowly roll down the tracks.

"I am too. Bee let's go together. We can be each others company.. I need to go as well." He gestures towards his bag.

I don't believe in fate... But in this moment it's really hard not to.

I look towards the train and grab colbys hand, he immediately interlocked our fingers,

And we were running towards an empty cart.

Colby caught onto the ladder on the side of the train easily and climbed into the empty cargo box.

I continued running until I cought hold on the metal ladder. The colb bar caused me to regret not bringing gloves.

I began climbing up the metal bars, as the trains speed increased greatly.

Colby offered me his hand, and I took a hold of it.

He pulled me in with him.

I looked out onto the passing city I once loved. Saying goodbye to Kansas was easy, especially with Colby by my side.

It seems almost impossible that we both were at the train, and we both decided to leave. And we both found eachother.

I felt Colby walk behind me. He wrapped his arms around me.

We were both warm in each others embrace.

"Colby..." I began but stop myself. But we both know why I was at a loss of words.

But Colby didn't back away, he only held me tighter to his chest, as he snuggled his face into my neck.

We were now labled as runaways. But all I care about right now is Colby. Even if we kept our emotions quiet for now... I'm sure they will shine through.

I love Colby Brock. And I hope I never have to leave his side... And I hope he never leaves mine.


So! Colby and bee just ran away from Kansas together if you didn't realize... I honestly envy this scenario... I wish I had the guts to runaway from here.

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