Wounded- Chapter Thirty Two

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Published: Monday, November 16th 2015 10:40 am

October 2nd

        After Jafar left a few hours ago, I decided to look through all of our old photos, videos, clothes, etc. There are so many that I can barely name them all. The garage is so full of stuff that we can't even park the car inside. I don't even know why I haven't looked at any of the stuff before. All the things that I want to remember from the past are here, waiting for someone to look through and remember. So here I am sat on the ground, going through the boxes and remembering the past. It's amazing really. The fact that most of the stuff in here are still in pristine condition proves that even Mama never went through any of this stuff. And the box I'm going through now proves it.

          My fathers things. Still perfectly sealed without a scratch.

         She never gave anything away from what I can see. All of his clothes, jewelry, keys, you name it. And as I came across a picture of all of us: Mama, Abu, and I, I couldn't have been more than a couple of months old by the looks of it. They were smiling widely, standing in front of the house. Abu held me in his arms while he and Mama looked at each other, their smiles wide. They looked so happy and content with each other. I on the other hand looked like a chubby baby with way too curly hair. I was trying to smile, but you could see that it looked like I was straining myself and the few teeth I did have. I wiped a tear from my eyes and sat the box inside to pull another one to me. The next one was of my baby clothes. Times have changed so much since these were in style. If I have a girl, I doubt she'll be wearing anything from my youth.

        There are dresses, tiaras, and bibs. Hats, jackets, the smallest shoes I have ever seen, and not to mention my necklace from so long ago. I didn't really know about it until a few years back, but apparently Abu bought it for my second birthday. He went all out to have my name carved out of it, and a verse of Quran on it. It's fitting, considering my name means a verse. After tucking that box away, I continued to go through a couple more boxes until I eventually got hungry.

          I'm starting to feel this pregnancy more and more over the days. It's just...different. I always thought some pregnant people exaggerated their hunger, but I was clearly wrong. Once I got some food to tie me over, I made my way to the couch and sat down, turning on the TV for something to watch. This has become a habit of mine to sit and watch TV while I eat. Eating in the quiet is just depressing to me. Plus Amna got me hooked to the show Pretty Little Liars a while ago. There's just something about it that makes you want to keep watching more. Every show is like that really. They keep the suspense up to make you crave more.

         Criminal Minds is definitely a show that got me hooked. But as I sit here watching a new episode on demand, I'm realizing how lonely I really am. Usually I sit and watch movies or the news with Mama, but since she's not here and Jafar is gone most of the afternoon, or all day in his thoughts, I run out of things to do. Going to see my in laws is an option, but I'm just going to let Jamila cool off for right now. As I then got to the middle of the show, my phone buzzed.

         Wattpad message from Diasan

         Diasan:Salaam, girl. How's it going?

        AyahIbrahim: Uh, who is this?

        Diasan: Nadia from NY. Don't tell me you forgot about me...

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